
Convention Contention, Martha Raddatz Commits Kamala Voter Outreach, and JD Vance in a Sandwich Scandal

Your source for mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarkey.

The Democratic National Convention kicked off, and it was a lovefest between the Democrats and the press, as expected. Joe Biden (and the rest of the Dem lineup) were treated lightly regarding their stream of lies. Meanwhile, there was glowing treatment of the convention, all while the press tried to ignore the hordes of protestors outside the arena.

One journo, in particular, managed to display the split standards in coverage of the parties, going from aggressive questioning last month at the RNC to now gushing and giggling with Tim Walz.

Then we watch as ABC's Martha Raddatz confronts a voter leaning towards Donald Trump and ends up interrogating the woman far more than the press does Kamala Harris. Then we close with a ridiculous food controversy in Philadelphia, where a local paper has to lie about JD Vance ordering a cheesesteak. It is dumber than it sounds.

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misinformation.



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