NBC News and Lester Holt to Help the Biden Rehab Effort and the Timing Shows More Media Collusion

NBC News via AP

The White House Continues to be completely off balance, grasping at straws to explain away the negatives from the disastrous debate and clutching any media-offered lifeline they can get. NBC News has announced they will give Joe Biden another chance at recovery, by sitting in for a controlled environment interview. And more than just the “what,” there is much to be interpreted by the “when.”


It has been a fascinating fortnight as we sit back and watch the Democratic Party embrace chaos and the nation’s media complex descend into desperate madness. The coordination between the press and Democrats has been laid bare, and now they are flailing. More than a few notables, such as Carl Bernstein, have been incapable of recognizing that in the desire to appear newly responsible, they end up admitting to their practice of covering up the erosion of Biden’s condition.

On the other side of the Recovery Ledger are those outlets oblivious to the broadside their industry has taken due to pledging allegiance to Biden. We have seen MSNBC and Joe Scarborough entertaining President Silveralert on their show, and George Stephanopoulos offering his platform for the rehab effort. Now NBC News is showing a desire to assist in the recovery of Biden’s image – and it is the timing of it all that reveals so much.

It has been announced that the president will be sitting down for his second serious post-debate interview, in a taped session to be broadcast next week. The sit-down will be held with “NBC Nightly News” lead anchor Lester Holt. But more support is being unspoken, but shown, in the scheduling. Snippets of their session will be teased during Holt’s 6:30 pm broadcast on Monday, July 15, but the full interview will run in primetime, at 9:00 pm.


Tellingly, there will be something else taking place on that very evening – Monday also serves as the opening date of the Republican National Convention. While this is an event that normally earns live reports from the networks — and likely will have continuous coverage on the cable networks — for NBC News to have this Biden interview inserted during the GOP proceedings appears like a fortuitous presentation for the Biden Campaign.

It carries with it the feeling of the traditional competing party response following the Presidential State of the Union address. Giving Biden a choice opportunity to present things in the now expected controlled fashion (the interview will be pre-recorded) and then presenting this directly in the middle of the opening night of the Republican convention strikes as being a very favorable conditional move.

It remains to be seen if Holt, or NBC News in general, will be making a similar concession for Donald Trump when the Democrats stage their convention. That event, roughly five weeks away from today, promises to be a compelling event considering all of the party upheaval taking place regarding the prospect of keeping Biden at the top of the ticket. With all of that intrigue swirling in growing fashion each day you have to wonder if NBC News will be willing to give Trump an audience to comment on the kicked-over anthill nature of the Democrats. Or more likely, as this massage-level interview appears to be, will the network be more focused on bolstering the prospects for the Democrats and thus avoiding giving Trump any chance at disruptive airtime?


We have to reserve judgment until that convention plays out, but for now, we will simply offer our dubiousness that a balanced presentation is likely to follow.


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