To justify abortion, Elizabeth Warren tries to create a self-fulfilling need by removing pregnancy support clinics and offices.
Ever since the Supreme Court draft memo on the Roe vs. Wade decision was leaked a worn-out argument from the pro-choice side gained new life. The claim is that Republicans/Christians/Men only support the life of a child until birth, then they are completely forgotten and the women have to fend for themselves in a life crippled by the forced pregnancy. Moving past the responsibility and accountability aspects for now, the canard is that there is no way for a woman to contend in this post-Roe environment.
The problem for the rapacious pro-abortion Democrats is that there are indeed support centers available to women. There are numerous clinics throughout the country apart from Planned Parenthood where women can turn for basic health care, prenatal services, and – what has apparently rankled the Dems – post-natal support.
These clinics and centers have a wide array of services to help women, from assistance with navigating the healthcare system to getting medical services during pregnancy. Following birth, there are basics provided from formula and diapers, and the women can even be provided with other basic support involving employment and housing assistance. Here is one woman describing some of the aid they offer women from her pro-life facility.
Our center helps women find jobs, childcare, has paid rent and given vehicles to women in need, our county sends women to us who are planning to carry for free pregnancy verifications – needed to receive Medicaid. And at this moment, there are hostile protestors outside. Thanks!
— Angela Polly (@AngelaPolIy) June 29, 2022
This reality appears to dissipate many of the claims from the left, and there is ample proof that this is not only an effective retort to their basic accusations but the reality upsets those on the pro-abortion side of the aisle. As a result of this, these pregnancy support clinics are being targeted in a number of ways today. Ever since the SCOTUS leak, an array of these support clinics have been hit with violence, including firebombing, resulting in damaged facilities.
There has been little outrage and few calls for this behavior to cease, and we see why with the actions of Democrat lawmakers over the past few weeks, led by Elizabeth Warren. The SCOTUS draft opinion has particularly energized Warren since its release, with abortion becoming her primary cause. Her secondary cause – working to close down these pregnancy support centers.

Her efforts have been given ample exposure in the media, beginning with her rather desperate call to have Joe Biden nationalize abortion services. She spoke with Martha Raddatz last week and proposed that the president take action and federalize access to abortion.
First of all, we need to help the women who are pregnant right now and need help. It also means asking the president of the United States to make abortion as available as possible with the tools he has, including medication abortion, including using federal lands as a place where abortions can occur.
Note when she says helping pregnant women, she means one thing – helping them abort the child. She has no interest in these women finding clinics or health centers where they can be assisted with bringing their child to term. In fact, it is quite the opposite with Warren; she is openly hostile to these very clinics.
As Bonchie covered this week, Warren is looking to pass legislation that would criminalize these centers, under the charge that they make false claims and emit disinformation. This is a completely insane dose of hypocrisy. As she wails about the supposed crime of abortion access being turned over to states and their voters, at the same time she wants the federal government to crack down on these alternatives and close them down.
This is not all. Earlier in the month, Democrats on the Hill sent a letter to Alphabet Inc., the source of Google, compelling the company to take action against these pregnancy support centers. Over 20 members, including Warren, signed the letter commanding that Google issue disclaimers on search results, stipulating that these centers are “fake clinics,” and that showing their locations during searches leads to “misleading results.”
These moves being made on pregnancy support centers are a clear result of desperation, as the Democrats see they need to curtail access to these clinics which actually help women during pregnancy. If they can close these centers then they create the “need” for abortion clinics. It is a self-fulfilling result, one born out of the desire to make abortions a readily available activity.
For some reason, they see the elimination of a fetus as sanctified, and in order to maintain this, they also need to eliminate the community support they claim is non-existent. To keep abortions viable they seek to terminate pregnancy centers which stand in the way of their agenda and narratives.
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