The lack of diversity from those who lecture on diversity is more than a little amusing.
This morning the nominations for the 2020Academy Awards were announced, and by all appearances the membership seems to feel as if they fixed everything last year when it christened ‘’The Green Book’’ Best Picture. Looking over the major categories there is scant representation of people of color, and despite some vocal calls of support zero women were nominated for Best Director.
Across the four acting groups only one black performer was nominated – Cynthia Erivo, for her role as Harriet Tubman in “Harriet”. The only other ethnic nomination to be found is Antonio Bandares as a small surprise for Best Actor in ‘’Pain And Glory’’ Even when granted an obvious selection the Academy managed to screw it up. Ruth Carter seemed a lock to win in Best Costume for ‘’Dolemite Is My Name’’, and she could not even garner a nomination.
Here’s a rundown of the major categories, with notable mentions as well as the predicted early favorites, allowing for shifting allegiances with campaigns for categories.
Ford v Ferrari
The Irishman
Jojo Rabbit
Little Women
Marriage Story
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
- Nine titles selected this year, with the biggest surprise possibly being the South Korean drama ‘’Parasite’’, which is also up for Best Foreign Picture. The two Golden Globe winners seem to have the inside track, with ‘’Marriage Story’’ a contender.
Prediction – ‘’1917 seems the logical choice in this field
Antonio Banderas ‘’Pain and Glory’’
Leonardo DiCaprio ‘’Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’’
Adam Driver ‘’Marriage Story’’
Joaquin Phoenix ‘’Joker’’
Jonathan Pryce ‘’The Two Popes’’
- A strong field but really this is probably one of the bet-the-rent categories this year. Jonathon Pryce is a bit of a surprise, when many felt Christian Bale was a lock for the category months ago for ‘’Ford V. Ferrari’’
Prediction – No one has a chance at unseating Joaquin Phoenix
Cynthia Erivo ‘’Harriet’’
Scarlett Johansson ‘’Marriage Story’’
Saoirse Ronan ‘’Little Women’’
Charlize Theron ‘’Bombshell’’
Renée Zellweger ‘’Judy’’
- For a time Theron seemed a lock for this, but there has been a steady groundswell behind Johansson. There could be a chance they end up dividing things enough, and someone like Zelweger benefits.
Prediction – I believe Charlize Theron still has it. The SAG Awards will probably be where this category is solidified.
Brad Pitt ‘’Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’’
Al Pacino ‘’The Irishman’’
Joe Pesci ‘’The Irishman’’
Tom Hanks ‘’A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’’
Anthony Hopkins ‘’The Two Popes’’
- Matt Damon was thought of as a consideration once. Pacino and Pesci will split votes, and Hopkins is in a lightly seen film. Hanks has a chance, as he is in what is regarded as more of a starring role.
Prediction – Brad Pitt feels like has has the right momentum here after his Globes win.
Bong Joon Ho ‘’Parasite’’
Sam Mendes ‘’1917’’
Todd Phillips ‘’Joker’’
Martin Scorsese ‘’The Irishman’’
Quentin Tarantino ‘’Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’’
- A rather varied field – OF MEN – and the Academy could go a number of ways. We could see Scorsese get a lifetime reward, or the passion for ‘’Parasite’’ giving Joon Ho an edge, or Phillips might benefit from ‘’Joker’’ getting 11 nominations. Ultimately the bold and impressive work on the war film should be the factor.
Prediction – Sam Mendes
‘’The Irishman’’ Steven Zaillian
‘’Jojo Rabbit’’ Taika Waititi
‘’Joker’’ Todd Phillips and Scott Silver
‘’Little Women’’ Greta Gerwig
‘’The Two Popes’’ Anthony McCartey
- Another category where reading the Academy will be difficult. It may feel like rewarding ‘’Irishman’’ works here, or there could be a ‘makeup’ reward, since many think Greta Gerwig should have been included in the Director’s category. I’m thinking the audaciousness will ultimately win out.
Prediction – Phillips/Silver
‘’1917’’ Sam Mendes and Krysty Wilson-Cairns
‘’Knives Out’’ Rian Johnson
‘’Marriage Story’’ Noah Baumbach
‘’Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’’ Quentin Tarantino
‘’Parasite’’ Bong Joon Ho and Han Jin-won
- ‘’Knives Out’’ and ‘’Once Upon a Time In Hollywood’’ are just the perfect type of fare for this category. Don’t rule out a ‘’Parasite’’ upset if the votes get spread around too much.
Prediction – Feels like for the moment Baumbach is the favored choice, but this can change.
‘’How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World’’
‘’I Lost My Body’’
‘’Missing Link’’
‘’Toy Story 4’’
- Netflix has a pair of surprise entrants, with ‘’Klaus’’, and ‘’I Lost My Body’’. Possibly shocking, as their inclusion meant that ‘’Frozen 2’’ was shut out entirely, even as it has become the most successful animated film worldwide.
Prediction – The overly familiar ‘’Toy Story 4’’
‘’1917’’ Roger Deakins
‘’The Irishman’’, Rodrigo Prieto
‘’Joker’’ Lawrence Sher
‘’The Lighthouse’’, Jarin Blaschke
‘’Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’’ Robert Richardson
- Blascke did some fine work in black and white, while Richardson filmed in a retrograde style to fit the 1960s period of the film. But a sprawling war effort that is being hailed for its visuals seems close to a lock.
Prediction – Roger Deakins
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