This certainly doesn’t sound like a mild case, though a lot of this may be preventative.
President Trump was given an “experimental drug cocktail” earlier today as part of his battle against the coronavirus. Now, it’s being reported that he’s also headed to Walter Reed Medical Center so that doctors can be close by in case he needs further, immediate treatment.
BREAKING NEWS: President Trump is heading to Walter Reed Medical Center after testing positive for coronavirus. He received an experimental antibody cocktail earlier in the day, per the White House physicianhttps://t.co/19o5Qp9mkg
— Christian Datoc (@TocRadio) October 2, 2020
Trump received an 8-gram dosage of Regeneron’s polyclonal antibody cocktail Friday morning, according to Conley. The treatment has not received approval from the Food and Drug Administration but has shown promising signs during clinical trials. Conley also noted that Trump has also been taking zinc, vitamin D, famotidine, melatonin and aspirin as a daily preventative.
Here’s the breaking news from just the last few minutes (at the time of writing this) regarding him going to Walter Reed.
WASHINGTON (AP) — White House: Trump to travel to military hospital after COVID-19 diagnosis, remain for 'few days' on advice of doctors.
— Julie Pace (@jpaceDC) October 2, 2020
These are not good signs, but I’m hesitant to speculate further. These could just be preventative measures, but going on a non-approved cocktail does make it seem like his symptoms may have worsened. Obviously, people are going to take from this what they want to take from it.
Everyone should continue keeping the President and his wife in their prayers. We’ll keep you updated as more information comes out.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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