You’ve got to hand it to the British media: They’ll do the work the U.S. media just won’t do when it comes to exposing things about popular Democrat politicians. They also have a pretty good sense of timing.
As Bill Clinton prepares to speak at the DNC tonight (assuming his speech isn’t already pre-taped like Michelle Obama’s), pictures have surfaced showing him from one of his trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” airplane. In those pictures, we see Clinton being massaged by a known sex trafficking victim named Chauntae Davis.
“The President & the Epstein victim: Bill Clinton leans back & smiles while receiving neck massage from Chauntae Davis, 22, in never-before-seen photos during trip on pedophile's plane to Africa in 2002.”
Clinton is a primetime speaker at the DNC tonight.https://t.co/RlTV0JCZaf
— JERRY DUNLEAVY (@JerryDunleavy) August 18, 2020
This apparently happened on a trip to Africa which Bill Clinton denies having taken. As has been covered before, Clinton lied about the number of times he flew on Epstein’s plane when the manifests first became public last year. Since then, he’s been totally silent on the matter and the media have not asked him once to clarify the discrepancies.
In the interest of full disclosure, Davis did say that nothing untoward went on with Clinton on this specific trip, at least in so far as she witnessed (there were multiple Epstein victims present on the plane at the time). How relevant that caveat is will depend on your political biases. If this were Donald Trump pictured being massaged by a literal sex slave, it’d be the biggest story in the world and no amount of tepid denial would be accepted. I have no doubt about that.
But because it’s Bill Clinton, he still gets to speak at the DNC tonight. The #metoo movement, insofar as it still exists on the left, is nothing but a grift. It’s a way for partisans to target those they don’t like while having completely different standards for politicians on their own side.
At this point, all the connections between Epstein and Clinton are just too much to ignore. He’s been spotted on Epstein’s island, he flew 20+ legs on the guy’s plane, and now we know he was involved enough to be massaged by one of the victims. The fact that there aren’t 20 investigative reporters from the major newspapers on this story is a testament to how useless and biased our media are. Any journalism industry worth its salt would be rushing to get to the bottom of every corner of this issue. Instead, we can’t even get a reporter to ask Clinton a question about it.
On the other side, even the mere appearance of impropriety by a Republican elicits a days-long news cycle. But with Democrats like Clinton, it’s shrugs all around and onward to the DNC. It just shows that they don’t really care about any of Epstein’s victims. His evils are just yet another political tool for them.
(Please follow me on Twitter!!! @bonchieredstate)
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