In case you missed it, Joe Biden rode a bike over the weekend. In what was a scene that could double as parody, the former Vice President donned a mask and no helmet to ride around with a group of people who were not wearing masks because wearing a mask while riding a bike outdoors is idiotic. There was also a moment where he nearly hit Fox News’ Peter Doucy as he pronounced he had selected a running mate (his clean up crew would later say it was a joke).
Here was The Lincoln Project literally beside themselves at the epic accomplishment of riding a mountain bike.
Bikers for Biden. pic.twitter.com/DvnimU9NAk
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) August 8, 2020
Of course, it wasn’t just Rick Wilson’s merry band of grifters that got all hot and bothered. CNN’s Brian Stelter actually did an entire segment using Biden’s riding of a bike as proof that questions about his mental acuity are deeply terrible.
Ben Shapiro had a pretty good response.
Look, look, he's fine, he's riding a bike! pic.twitter.com/ZRJWoY0s3O
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) August 10, 2020
What I’m left asking is whether these people, including CNN, even see what they are insinuating by making a big deal about this. If I’m a presidential candidate who can barely string two sentences together, it’d be pretty embarrassing to have the media squee over me accomplishing the highly difficult, skill ridden task that is riding a bike for 20 minutes. Having dementia does not mean you can’t operate physically. The observations about Biden are almost completely about his plunge into senility.
Stelter trying to use riding a bike as a counter to that is not only illogical, it’s actually evidence of just how far Biden is gone. We are now seeing the media fluff him over doing things my five year old can do. What’s next? Him eating pudding being used as proof that he’s ready to take on China? By making a big deal out of Biden riding a bike, the media are essentially saying that this guy is so far gone that it’s impressive he can keep his balance. I don’t know, but I’d suggest there’s more to being a president than that.
Of course, the media have always been deeply dishonest about this stuff. Recall that Hillary Clinton, after having numerous uncontrollable coughing fits on the stump, literally passed out in mild weather and was thrown into the back of a van like a sack of potatoes. The media response was to say that was not at all proof she’s having health issues and that it’s a “conspiracy theory” to suggest such. Meanwhile, they’ve spent four years trying to mentally and physically diagnose Donald Trump on air.
But we all have eyes and ears. We can see how staged every tiny public interaction Biden has is. We can see the racist comments he can’t seem to control and anger issues he has. We can see him forgetting where he’s at and constantly losing his train of thought in interviews. We can hear the word salad answers that sound like some other-worldly language. This is a man who isn’t well. Propping him up on a bike for a few minutes doesn’t change that.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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