Superlawyer Harmeet Dhillon Brings the Fire to Her Senate Confirmation Hearing

Dhillon Law Group

Superlawyer Harmeet Dhillon, who has served as Donald Trump’s attorney in the past and is his nominee to be Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the Justice Department, testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday for her confirmation hearing and promised to fight for women and girls and the defenseless while keeping the department free from politicization.


She said Donald Trump knows what it’s like to be attacked by an out-of-control DOJ:

I thanked President Trump for nominating me to this important position. He knows all too well how the Department of Justice may be weaponized for the wrong ends, for political persecution, for payback, for punishing protected speech and ideas. 

As his lawyer for several years, I too am keenly aware of how quickly justice may become unjust.

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She talked about how her family was everything to her and taught her that despite some obstacles, anyone can make it in America:

I was bullied as a child for my long braids, my funny name, my unusual faith, and it wasn't the easiest thing to be a family of turban-wearing Sikhs in the rural south in the 1970s. What I learned from my parents was that in America, anybody could be anything with hard work and determination. I am before you today because of these life experiences.

She reminisced about her 32-year legal career and how it has taught her “deep compassion for the oppressed, as well as a daily appreciation for the liberty that Americans often take for granted.”


This is our country, senators, and it is the greatest country on God's earth. The promise of equal opportunity that my family taught me, which I fought for my entire career in the courtroom, is being robbed from millions of Americans in the workplace by dangerous and oppressive ideology enabled by corrosive government dictates. 

Young girls and women are seeing their dreams of hard-fought equal access to sports opportunities, of even basic privacy, modesty, and dignity in women's private spaces, being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness, generations of young people have been denied educational opportunities because of their immutable characteristics instead of merit—even in the face of Supreme Court precedent that clearly bans such admissions policies. 

Our elections are consistently at risk of becoming ad hoc coronations where government officials in power put a thumb on the scale to achieve preferred outcomes.

She continued, saying she would fight for the rights of the defenseless but would never weaponize the Justice Department.

I will start every analysis with the Constitution. I will respect the words of statutes and the teachings of the courts, even if I disagree with them, though I will act within the law to challenge legal rulings I believe are wrong or statutes I believe are unconstitutional. 

What I will never do is use the DOJ civil rights division as a partisan tool to push a political agenda. The Department of Justice stands for justice for all Americans.


Of course, Senate Democrats were in attendance, and they tried to trip her up but failed miserably. Here’s Dhillon shutting down Sen. Alex Padilla (CA), who spent most of his time interrupting her and ranting about J6:

Dhillon’s chances for confirmation look strong. As RedState’s Susie Moore wrote about her nomination: “Those of us who've followed Dhillon's career and many successes are eager to see that carry over into the DOJ's Civil Rights division.” Hopefully, we'll soon see exactly that.


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