Room With an Ugly 'View'—Whoopi and Co. Reportedly Down in the Dumps As ABC Says Quit With the Hysterics

AP Photo/Antonio Calanni

It’s gotta be tough to be one of the performers on “The View,” seeing as the uninformed takes of Whoopi Goldberg, Ana Navarro, Sunny Hostin and company are routinely eviscerated by much smarter people than themselves for the idiotic takes they hurl daily at their sycophantic ABC audience.


They are more a national joke than a national treasure, and it seems even their home network is getting sick of their antics. Having to force Hostin to repeatedly read walkbacks of her “hot takes” to avoid legal peril probably doesn’t make her revered by many in the front office.

So it comes as no surprise that the head honchos are saying, ladies, please—get a grip already, will you? How about maybe reining in the crazy:

The fiery hosts at ABC News’ “The View” have faced pressure to dial back their anti-President Trump rhetoric – leading to tension in front of the cameras, The Post has learned...

One source close to the show’s co-hosts — Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, Sara Haines, Alyssa Farah Griffin and Ana Navarro — said the fear and loathing is partly because Brian Teta, executive producer of the daytime gab-fest, spoke to staffers about “going easy” on Trump-related commentary in the days leading up to the 47th president taking the oath of office.

We have no shortage of brain-addling musings from the lovely ladies—some would call them shrieking harridans—of the morning gabfest, a show that once actually enjoyed some prestige when Barbara Walters was at the helm, but here’s but a sample:

A Warped "View" of the World: 

Sunny Hostin Trots Out Her Racial Martyr Complex, Says Black Women 'Voted to Save' America From Trump

Harris Faulkner Beats 'The View' in Ratings, Now She's Taunting Them: All They Do is 'Talk, Talk, Talk'

'The View' Has Become Objectively Evil, and ABC News Is Culpable


Click here to see the full list of our coverage of the histrionic fact-free spewings from the ugly “View.” Maybe they want to stop throwing out baseless, defamatory comments for a change?

The directive followed an embarrassing moment in November when the co-hosts were forced to issue four “legal notes” or disclaimers during a broadcast while discussing allegations leveled at several of Trump’s cabinet nominees.

Since then, the outspoken hosts have been somewhat more careful, with Haines admitting that she and her fellow panelists are out-of-touch with a large portion of Americans because none voted for Trump.

"Out of touch?" How about out of their minds?

It’s hard to come up with a definitive list of idiotic moments from the show, but here are just a few to give you an idea:

It’s been a tough time for the fear-mongers at ABC News:

….“The View” staffers remain rattled after Teta quietly laid off at least nine workers — including two senior female producers, Jamie Hammer and Audrey Jones, one insider told The Post.

“People were shocked that he’d fire such experienced, well-respected producers,” the source said. “Morale is low.”


“Morale is low.” Aww. 

The firings were part of parent company Disney’s wider cost-cutting moves in October, but “everybody is waiting for the other shoe to drop,” the source added. “There’s a lot of anxiety even though they just went through layoffs.”

The turmoil follows Disney executives’ decision to pay out $16 million to Trump to settle a defamation lawsuit that the president filed against anchor George Stephanopoulos, who wrongly asserted during an interview with Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) that Trump was found liable for raping writer E. Jean Carroll.

Incurious George: Sad Days at ABC News: Stephanopoulos 'Apoplectic' Over $15M Settlement, Staff in Turmoil

As my English babysitter used to say, “My heart pumps peanuts.” (What that precisely means, I don’t know, but somehow it seems to sum up my feelings for deeply unsympathetic, ever-race-baiting hosts on perhaps the silliest program on network television.)

Why ABC continues to let them blather on is beyond me, but I can tell you this: unserious, violence-inciting “journalism” like this is one of the main reasons Americans have lost almost all trust in mainstream media. Sorry, Whoopi et al., the reality that regular Americans are expressing quite clearly that they’ve had enough of this junk is not going to go well for you, and I for one am not sad in the slightest.

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