Tonight, the ranks of the Never Trumpers are celebrating what they likely see a great victory against their nemesis, President Donald Trump.
Today, I launched an exploratory committee to seek the @LPNational’s nomination for president of the United States. Americans are ready for practical approaches based in humility and trust of the people.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) April 29, 2020
We’re ready for a presidency that will restore respect for our Constitution and bring people together. I’m excited and honored to be taking these first steps toward serving Americans of every background as president.
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) April 29, 2020
Former Republican (now-Independent) Michigan representative Justin Amash has declared that he’s decided to make himself a scapegoat– I mean, launch an exploratory committee to seek the presidential nomination for the Libertarian Party in 2020.
Maybe it shouldn’t be much of a surprise, though. Last September, before the roiling waters of the House Impeachment hearings started to swirl, Matt Welch asked in Reason, “Will Justin Amash Run for President as a Libertarian in 2020?”
In the piece, Welch also shared a conversation Amash had with editor at large Nick Gillespie at the 2019 Freedomfest event in July:
Amash has until May 21, 2020—when the L.P. national convention kicks off—to make up his mind. What will drive the decision? By “thinking about where I can use my skills and influence best,” Amash told Reason‘s Nick Gillespie. “And I feel like if I can be most effective on the national stage spreading the message of liberty and the message of respect and love, then that’s what I do.”
May 21, 2020. Talk about cutting things close.
Just a month before Freedomfest, RedState’s Thomas LaDuke told you about Amash ditching the liberty-loving group he helped create, the House Freedom Caucus
Our Streiff reported on Amash hinting he might run independently for president a mere three days after quitting the GOP on July 4, then gave you the rundown on Democrats’ attempts to persuade Amash to be one of the impeachment managers. And it’s hard to forget Amash was the only Republican to vote for impeachment
Just a month ago, as my colleague Bonchie reported, the Man Without a Party clashed with Dan Crenshaw over the Wuhan coronavirus relief bill.
Guess his betrayal of the GOP is complete, with this cowardly move.
There is some consolation, though. Within minutes of Amash’s pronouncement, the usual suspects were chiming in:
I admired how @justinamash stood up for the rule of law in Trump’s impeachment. And needless to say, my views align more closely with Amash’s than Biden’s.
But the only real effect Amash could have in this campaign is to enhance Trump’s chances.
This is a terrible idea. https://t.co/lAimU4KEoB
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) April 29, 2020
While some were less than enthusiastic or noncommittal:
Aw jeez.
— Gov. Gary Johnson (@GovGaryJohnson) April 29, 2020
While one can’t prove where third (or fourth) party votes would have gone if there hadn’t been such a candidate, in 3 of the last 7 presidential elections (1992, 2000 & 2016) the third party candidate won enough votes that it could have made the difference. And might well have.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) April 29, 2020
Rep. Paul Gosar speaks for many conservatives, including me, here:
Let's not.
— Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (@RepGosar) April 29, 2020
No doubt about it. The Never Trump crowd is excitedly congratulating one another, like characters from Lerner and Loewe’s My Fair Lady, “Bravo, bravo, bravo! You did it! You did it! You said that you would do it, and indeed you did!”
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