Joe Biden’s son and his ex-wife have dueling books out now to exploit even more of the tawdry details of Hunter Biden’s adult life while the stench is still strong and Joe’s disastrous presidency makes them commercially relevant.
Too bad Maury Povich’s show is gone.
One of the book’s prominent revelations is how careless the renowned artist Hunter Biden is with his smart devices. According to Kathleen Buhle, the ex, her husband would routinely leave his cellphone and iPad around the house.
Much as he would later abandon at a repair shop a laptop containing thousands of incriminating files about his lucrative global influence-peddling operations during his father’s vice presidency.
For more than a year mainstream media dismissed the shocking laptop contents as Russian disinformation by a very busy Vladimir Putin after its revelations appeared in the New York Post.
But now that Joe Biden is safely in the White House at least on some weekdays, the New York Times and Washington Post have belatedly acknowledged the contents’ veracity, including weird email exchanges between father and son using code names for each other.

Anyway, Buhle’s book is just out and in the time-honored promotional tradition of opportunistic Washington tell-some-but-not-all books, Politico obtained an advance copy.
The book’s publication was reportedly dreaded by the White House, which reportedly did not see the manuscript. Hard to believe anyone connected with this crowd, however, is capable of embarrassment over even more dirty Biden laundry, including the presidential son’s predilection for porn.
Wouldn’t you know, Hunter’s daughters began poking through their father’s phone and iPad. They found photos and messages revealing Dad was having an affair with Hallie Biden, their uncle’s widow — and their Mom’s close friend.
And then there were countless sexting exchanges between Dad and dozens of women unknown to Hunter’s wife, which the children shared with their parents. That must have been a dramatic scene when the girls revealed all this to their parents.
In his book, Hunter claims the relationship with his sister-in-law did not become romantic and sexual until 2016. But Buhle has strong doubts based on Hallie’s reaction when Buhle earlier shared her concerns about Hunter’s affairs.
Apparently, Hunter was playing the wounded man with his text partners. According to Buhle, Hunter was both mean and tender in his exchanges with all these women “none of whom I’d ever heard of before. I was struck by the number of them who clearly thought they could save him.”
Buhle also writes that as Hunter struggled with his substance, alcohol, and other addictions, he would turn mean toward her, calling her “an idiot” and “the dumbest person I’ve ever met.”
Hunter, however, traces the breakup of their 24-year marriage to his wife’s discovery of messages with Hallie: “That gave her the gift of justification: I was the sicko sleeping with my brother’s wife. Everything blew up after that.”
Seems possible.
People who are not therapists but have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express might suspect that Hunter’s serial carelessness with incriminating information was a subconscious plea to be caught. Not that such Washington scandals ever result in accountability. And he’s parlayed the slime profitably.
Her book, according to Politico, contains nothing about the 2020 campaign, Donald Trump, nor commentary on Joe Biden’s presidency. Although she reportedly repeatedly writes that Hunter’s father was gracious and kind to her.
Buhle’s book is titled “If We Break: A Memoir of Marriage, Addiction, and Healing.” Hunter’s is “Beautiful Things.” Rubber gloves suggested.
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