Weeks ago, I covered July’s surging gun sales. Thanks no doubt to violent riots in the streets, Americans saw the need to arm themselves and did.
And since July, we’ve seen no weakening of the will of the mob.
Permitted by politicians and condoned by those on TV, black-suited, ill-intentioned revolutionaries have continued — into the suburbs, in some cases. And in all cases, into a fever pitch.
But Americans won’t allow tyranny. Nor will they anarchy. If police won’t — or can’t — contain the chaos, the citizenry will. At least if the threat is at the doorstep.
Therefore, history’s repeated itself: This past month, firearm sales shot through the roof.
As relayed by The Washington Free Beacon, people invested in guns more than during any other August on record.
The numbers are staggering:
A [TWFB] analysis of FBI data released on Tuesday found a 57 percent increase in sales compared to August 2019. There were at least 1.6 million sales in August 2020. Only two previous Augusts had broken a million sales, though limitations in FBI reporting means that not every gun sale is captured in the data. August represents the sixth month in a row to set a new sales record with March seeing the most gun sales of any month in the history of the FBI background check system.
Additionally, sales for the first eight months of the year have bested the previous record by 43%.
Rick Ector — a Detroit gun instructor I featured last week — marveled to the Beacon:
“In 15 years of teaching firearm safety, I have never seen a higher level of interest in guns. I do not need to advertise, and my phone is constantly ringing.”
People are stocking up.
It’s been said an armed society is a polite one. Let’s hope that rings true — you may have noticed the streets are rude as of late.
It seems the populace is trying to mandate manners.
As recently reported by RedState’s Brandon Morse, the National Shooting Sports Foundation estimates over 12 million guns were bought January through July, likely creating nearly 5 million new owners.
And if the estimated percentage holds true, August saw at least 640,000 of them.
So where does that leave politicians like Beto O’Rourke, who promised to confiscate Americas best-selling hunting rifle? And what’s it do to the Democratic Party? Amid murderous riots, left-wing officials have maintained their security details despite in many cases having supported gun control.
And what of Joe Biden? He can’t exactly come out and endorse the NRA.
As per JoeBiden.com, here’s part of the candidate’s plan for America:
- Hold gun manufacturers accountable.
- Get weapons of war off our streets.
- Ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
- Regulate possession of existing assault weapons under the National Firearms Act.
- Buy back the assault weapons and high-capacity magazines already in our communities.
- Reduce stockpiling of weapons.
- Reform, fund, and empower the U.S. Justice Department to enforce our gun laws.
If I’m doing the math correctly, that’s 12 million people who won’t be voting for Biden.
The Democrats are sure approaching November in a novel way. They’ve encouraged — at best ignored, at worst instigated — horrible violence in the streets. And in response to Americans’ subsequent race to the stores, they’re tellin’ ’em they’ll limit their ability to protect themselves.
I don’t think that’s going to turn out so well.
Neither, it seems, does Rick Ector:
Ector said the sales are driven by concerns over the pandemic, the economic downturn, and recent rioting in places like Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Portland, Oregon. He expects the record sales to keep up through the end of the year, pointing to Democrat nominee Joe Biden’s strict new gun-control policies and his lead in national polling.
“Any single issue by itself would lead to an increase of people buying guns,” he said. “We have all four factors ‘in play’ and the run on guns is no surprise to me.”
As we wait for November, here’s a fun exercise: Make two columns. The left represents murderous criminals. The right, innocent victims. Now make gun laws. Every law you pass will only affect the column on the right. Any restrictions will solely impact those on that side. At the end of your faux legislation, which side’s in better shape when they fight?
Let me know how it turns out.
See more pieces from me:
Trigger Warning, Gun Controllers: Nearly 2,000 Detroit Women Just Took a Firearms Course
Herschel Walker Manhandles the DNC Over Race-Card Rhetoric
Holy Cow at the Cartoon a Texas School Showed Kids About Police
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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