As you may have noticed, we’ve quickly reached a point where someone having their own views is unacceptable.
Problematic, even — and that’s the worst anything can be.
As you might’ve gotten word, Goya Foods President and CEO Bob Unanue went to the White House recently. More than that, he talked to Donald Trump — and not in a Jim Acosta kind of way.
What’s more, he said some positive things about the Commander-in-Chief which, in our goofy state, was called out for its horror:
.@GoyaFoods has been a staple of so many Latino households for generations.
Now their CEO, Bob Unanue, is praising a president who villainizes and maliciously attacks Latinos for political gain. Americans should think twice before buying their products. #Goyaway https://t.co/lZDQlK6TcU
— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) July 9, 2020
POTUS hates foreigners and immigrants so much, apparently, he married one.
And then a second one.
The above tweet, by the way, is from Julián Castro, who previously and valiantly railed against racist rain:
Julián Castro says his plan calls for new civil rights legislation to address environmental racism. “I know that too often times it’s people who are poor, communities of color, who take the brunt of storms that are getting more frequent and more powerful.” #ClimateTownHall pic.twitter.com/0kK3mrBGqg
— CNN (@CNN) September 4, 2019
Additionally, he said this during last year’s Democratic presidential debates:
“[J]ust because a woman — or, let’s also not forget, someone in the trans community, a trans female — is poor doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the right to exercise that right to choose (abortion).”
But my favorite Julián moment was the way he said “justice” — I wish I had it as a ringtone:
To me, that’s politics summed up in just 8 seconds — I feel like he was waiting all night to pop that one out.
Anyway, back to Goya’s Bob — people didn’t like him saying we’re “blessed to have a leader” like The Donald. Thus followed a boycott, which I personally find problematic due to its chauvinism — why not a girlcott?
Lin-Manuel Miranda — the creator of Hamilton, who’s also been under threat of #Cancellation — even hopped on the train:
We learned to bake bread in this pandemic, we can learn to make our own adobo con pimienta. Bye. https://t.co/qKHNYfkqCq
— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) July 10, 2020
Yet, as reported by RedState’s Nick Arama, Bob — who not so long ago accepted an invitation to the Obama White House for Hispanic Heritage Month — stood his ground.
He lamented to CNN:
“So, you’re allowed to talk good or to praise one president, but you’re not allowed to aid in economic and educational prosperity? And you make a positive comment and all of a sudden, it is not acceptable.”
Well, now he’s taken the conversation to the next level. Will he apologize, asked Fox News host Laura Ingraham. To put it in easy terms, not just no; but heck no.
“We have to stand for prosperity. You know, we are the most prosperous country in the world. Pre-COVID, we were the lowest Hispanic and black unemployment in history. And even post-pandemic, we are still the most powerful and most prosperous country in the world…”
“Bob, will you be one of those, you know, big figures in American life — you’ve seen it in Hollywood, you’ve seen it in sports — who’s forced to apologize for standing with President Trump or next to President Trump? Will you do that?”
You’re not gonna apologize for standing next to President Trump?
“Hell no.”
Stand up! Tell Demonizrers, “Hell No”. Bob Unanue has just WON TONS OF RESPECT & GRATUTUDE! https://t.co/UNGJH8JS3I
— Perspective Adjustment (@PerspectiveAdj1) July 11, 2020
That’s the right answer. And what I mean is, it’s the right response for everyone on the face of the earth, no matter their genuine personal convictions.
There cannot be only one perspective. We’re supposed to be One Nation, but comprised of many individuals — all of whom allow one another space to think for themselves.
So GO, Bob. YA got it right.
See 3 more pieces from me:
The Brutish Are Coming: Cancel Culture Goes After Broadway Smash and Slaveholder-Adjacent ‘Hamilton’
Hollywood Star Denzel Washington Recalls the Moment He Gave His Life to Christ
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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