Not long ago, the #MeToo movement rose to a level of exactness that transcended due process: Some were shouting, “Believe all women!”
It was a bold move.
Apparently, a lot of those people have had a change of heart.
Ever since former Biden staffer Tara Reade accused presidential candidate Joe of sexual assault, among the grasshoppers leaping to conclusions over Bret Kavanaugh’s guilt, it’s been all crickets.
Even Alyssa Milano’s made an ideological about-face:
Here’s her current way of thinking:
I explained my silence on the allegations against Joe Biden in this clip.
I am still endorsing @JoeBiden. Listen to this clip to find out why. #MeToo #TimesUp https://t.co/6v7udELEzv
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) April 6, 2020
This was her previous one, regarding unproven allegations:
“Men are having a hard time right now? I mean, come on. I feel as though [Trump] is completely and totally belittling the intelligence of the American people. … Whereas Trump might say that white men have it very difficult right now, I’m saying that women, young people, have had it difficult for generations and generations and generations. … And if that means that men have a hard time right now, then I’m sorry — this is the way the pendulum has to shift for us to have equality and security in our country.”
[For more, see: “Alyssa Milano: For Equality’s Sake, Men Can’t Be Equal to Women“]
But forget all that, because due process is once again a virtue. #MeToo? Old news. So thinks, from what I can tell, The News.
The rug’s covering swept allegations by Reade, and the media appears to be holding a broom.
Case in point: Three Democrats thought to be frontrunners as Biden’s running mate hit the Sunday morning talk show circuit — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on ABC News program This Week, Sen. Amy Klobuchar on ABC News Sunday, and Stacy Abrams on CNN’s State of the Union.
But according to The Daily Wire, no potential VP was handed the Tough Question mic:
Not a single woman was asked about sexual assault allegations leveled against Biden by a former staffer.
There’s more:
In fact, not a single one of the Sunday news programs that aired on April 26th discussed the allegations despite revelations from CNN Saturday evening that indicated the woman’s mother called in to Larry King Live in the late 1990s to ask the host’s panelists how her daughter should go about reporting sexual harassment by a male Senator.
So quite a shift. When do they put out corrections — stickers and signs and hashtags bearing “Don’t Believe All Women”?
None of this, of course, is a commentary on sexual assault or misbehavior. It’s a statement on politics — and the phoniness of a partisan fight, not a principled one.
So much of what we see, even at the Capitol, is antics of the Oscar Meyer sort.
Speaking of partisan — as reported by RedState’s Brad Slager — Democratic big wig Nancy Pelosi also filled the small screen Sunday with good ol’ Jake Tapper, but she seemed focused on attacking Trump for not initiating a Chinese travel ban soon enough:
Now her position today is that Trump did not go far enough in his cutting off of travel. This latest rebuttal to the administration pointing out their early calls to cease travel into the country has been made repeatedly this week, one rooted in ignorance and meant to only stoke discord. This newest argument is that it was not a ‘’complete’’ travel ban, as thousands were permitted to continue flying into the country.
Let’s all remember Nancy’s consistency:
Pelosi, touring San Fran’s Chinatown Feb. 24: “We do want to say to people, come to Chinatown, here we are … come join us” pic.twitter.com/0FEOq9t4VM
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 29, 2020
Even the Speaker of the House is full of baloney? Yes, #HerToo.
Back to Tara Reade and Biden, if we’re not going to #BelieveAllWomen, can we at least talk about the allegations? The answer Sunday appeared to be #No.
See 3 more pieces from me:
You Deserve a Break Today, but You’ve Got an Outbreak: McDonald’s Drive-Thru Offers Nasal Swabs
Party Like It’s 1799: Cops Bust Up an Amish Barn Bash for Violating Ohio’s Stay-at-Home Order
Find all my RedState work here.
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