On Monday, former First Lady Michelle Obama appeared with host Gayle King on CBS This Morning.
One of the topics: Trump’s inauguration.
So how was that seminal day? Well, it was really white.
In Michelle’s view, it wasn’t representative of the country:
“That day was very emotional, and then to … sit at that inauguration, and to look around at a crowd that was not reflective of the country — it was just such the opposite — and during Barack’s inauguration, we made sure that the crowd looked like all of America, having the Tuskegee airmen, having civil rights folks, having folks who had marched — you could look out at his crowd and you could see America. All of it.”
She was one of just a few non-whites:
“And I had to sit in that audience, one of a handful of people of color, and then listen to that speech, and all that I had … held on to for eight years, watching my husband get raked over the coals, feeling like we had to do everything perfectly — no scandal … It was a lot emotionally.”
Michelle Obama calls her husband “one of the most productive and profound presidents of our lifetime” pic.twitter.com/XHtWz3kaBx
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 8, 2019
With all due respect to Michelle — which is to say, genuine respect — many would dispute her “scandal” statement.
On The View in April, Joy Behar touted Obama’s two “scandal-free” terms. In response, Meghan McCain laughed (here). She noted the Iran deal, for one.
At the time, The Daily Wire provided more:
Some of the scandals of the Obama administration included Obama’s IRS targeting the Tea Party; the Fast and Furious scandal; lying to the American public about the Iran deal; the Benghazi massacre and subsequent spin by the administration; the biggest data breach in the federal government’s history, at the Office of Personnel Management and the VA scandal, just to name a few.
I suppose everyone has a different idea of a president’s legacy. I recall hearing Rush Limbaugh say of the media’s kid-glove handling of Bill and Barack that “history will bear it all out” and thinking, “No. It won’t. People will remember it the way they experienced it. Democrats will forever praise Democratic presidencies, and Republicans will do the same with their own.”
As for Michelle, she’s stickin’ with the hubs:
“[He was] one of the most productive and profound presidents of our lifetime.”
One thing’s for certain: Regardless of one’s opinion of Obama or Trump, it’d be difficult to deny that they’re very, very different.
And who comes next — something tells me that’s gonna really be one for the books. A wild show indeed.
In the meantime, we’ve got wild-man Trump — who, it might be said — represents more of America than most Democrats are willing to admit. After all: He won.
What do you think of Michelle’s comments? Let us all know in the Comments section.
P.S. Did you miss my stories Saturday? Here they are. I’d be honored by your time:
‘Magic Mike’ Star: Our Son Came Out Of The Closet To Us – As Straight
An American Soldier Protests Nike’s Betsy Ross Sneaker Recall In A Very Special Way
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