A buncha former CNN contributors have pointed to the network’s “hate” for Donald Trump and general anti-conservative disposition.
Georgia Rep. Jack Kingston told Mediaite down-with-Donald peeps got flat-out pressed away:
“Most of us got squeezed out involuntarily. I was there for 2 years and was certainly willing to continue. It was clear to me in the end that the Republicans they prefer are anti-Trump Republicans.”
Erstwhile analyst Stephen Moore offered a resounding Amen:
“CNN is the hate Trump network. They just trash Trump every single hour of every single day. All they’ve talked about for two years is the Muller report, and how bad does it make them look now that it proved nothing?”
If I may answer: Really bad.
Radio host and former Collusion News Network contributor Buck Sexton said much the same:
“CNN used to pretend it accepted right wing voices for balance, but now it openly despises conservatives who are pro-Trump. Today the entire enterprise clings to a fundamental dishonesty: that it has no political agenda. Taking down Trump is obviously the agenda. And in this regard, some of CNN’s ‘hard news’ anchors are the biggest journalistic frauds of all.”
As reported by Fox, the network’s been losing conservative weight as of late:
Pro-Trump contributors at CNN seem to have come and gone in recent months. Last week, the network fired former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli as reports indicated he was being considered for a high-ranking immigration post in the Department of Homeland Security.
Previously, CNN let go other commentators who supported President Trump. Contributors Jeffrey Lord and Ed Martin were fired for remarks they made outside the network. Paris Denard was let go after he was accused of sexual misconduct from a previous job. The contracts of Kingston and former South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer were not renewed. And former Trump campaign and administration officials Corey Lewandowski, Marc Short and Jason Miller all had short-lived paid contributorships.
Former Trump Campaign Deputy Communications Director Bryan Lanza put it simply:
“If you hate Trump, you tune to CNN to validate your hatred.”
And what’s the result of CNN’s mission?
Back to Bryan:
“Not sure it’s a winning formula — and I’m validated by their last-place performance against other outlets.”
The placement strikes me as unsurprising, if for no other reason than the cable mainstay’s quizzical decision to put an end to actual reporting, in favor of calling a raving left-wing loon — the activist Jim Acosta — a “reporter” instead.
See reporting go the way of the dodo bird, courtesy of Jim:
Anti-Reporter Jim Acosta Attacks Sarah Sanders, Highlights The Death Of News
One More Reason Jim Acosta Is An Idiot
Gimme More, Gimme More, Gimme Moron: Unable To Comprehend His Job, Acosta Debates Sanders On Dems
For Interdimensional Traveler Jim Acosta, Truth Is A Virus That Can’t Be Caught
Wanna see CNN’s worst moments of 2018? Great news: It’s all here, just below.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Gillette Releases Its First Trans Commercial: A Proud Father Helps His Daughter Shave Her Beard
The Jerk: Elizabeth Warren Blames Her Family For Making Her Think She Was An American Indian
Cop Indicted For Murder For Leaving Her Baby In Hot Patrol Car While She Had Sex With Her Supervisor
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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