On Friday morning, President Trump, speaking in the Oval Office, touted the latest jobs and economic figures, and there were some data points in there worth touting.
First, on jobs:
POTUS: "During the last year, the Biden administration saw a loss of more than 110K manufacturing jobs or 9K manufacturing jobs every single month -- During the first full month in office, we've not only stopped the manufacturing collapse, but we've begun to rapidly reverse it… pic.twitter.com/njThXqesr1
— Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) March 7, 2025
.@POTUS: "Under the final two years of Biden, one in every four jobs created in America was a government job... But under the first full month of President Trump, an incredible 93% of all job gains were in the private sector." 🔥 pic.twitter.com/3Ai1Rskvps
— Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) March 7, 2025
The president said in part:
During the last year, the Biden administration saw a loss of more than 110K manufacturing jobs or 9K manufacturing jobs every single month -- During the first full month in office, we've not only stopped the manufacturing collapse, but we've begun to rapidly reverse it and get major gains. We created 10,000 manufacturing jobs in February alone. That hasn't happened in a long time. And these aren't government jobs, which actually, we've cut.
That's a key note. Job gains under the Biden administration were largely public-sector jobs — in other words, government jobs. The president spoke on that as well:
Under the final two years of Biden, one in every four jobs created in America was a government job. That's a tremendous percentage. But under the first full month of President Trump, which we haven't even gotten started yet, an incredible 93 percent of all job gains were in the private sector.
If these numbers hold — and the president makes a good point, it's very early into his second administration and too early for many economic indicators to really be making themselves known yet — it could prove to be a big boost to the American economy.
Later, speaking on foreign workers and immigration:
PRESIDENT TRUMP: For the first time in fifteen months, the job gains for native-born Americans exceeded the job gains for migrant and foreign workers. Employment for native-born workers went up by 284K while foreign born workers went down by 87K. pic.twitter.com/rDoEQww4Yp
— Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) March 7, 2025
The President said in part:
Big gains for native-born Americans, for the first time in 15 months, the job gains for native-born Americans, for American people, people born in America, exceeded job gains for migrant and foreign born workers. It's the first time this has happened for more than 15 months. Employment for native-born workers went up by 284,000 while foreign born workers went down by 87,000.
And finally, on the illegal immigration issue, the Director of the National Economic Council, Kevin Hassett, spoke:
NEC Director Kevin Hassett: "A lot of people said that if you deported illegals, then employment would go down... And if you look, 280,000 American-born folks were hired, manufacturing jobs are going up... I suspect that this is going to be a glimpse of the Golden Age to come." pic.twitter.com/v0GhPkr5LP
— Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) March 7, 2025
Mr. Hassett said:
A lot of people said that if you deported illegals, then employment would go down... And if you look, 280,000 American-born folks were hired, manufacturing jobs are going up, and this is just out of expectation of your future policies, I think. It's in April when your reciprocal aid act is expected to happen, tax cuts haven't passed yet, and so people are clearly expecting the golden age. And if you want to forecast the future numbers, everybody, just keep in mind that President Trump has already gotten us 1.7 trillion in committments in new factories, and those haven't even happened yet. They aren't even in the numbers. So I suspect that this is going to be a glimpse of the Golden Age to come.
A caveat: Predictions are hard to make, especially about the future. But these initial economic indicators are good.
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President Trump is, this morning, once more counting coup, and these indicators would appear to give him something to brag about. One of his primary goals, in his first term, in all three campaigns, and now in his second term, is to boost American manufacturing. We were once a nation that built things, and to keep a strong economy, we need to still be a manufacturing nation. While one of the best things the federal government can do is to stay out of the way, the international deals the president is negotiating certainly don't hurt.
Granted, it's been less than two months. Most of President Trump's policies aren't in place yet. The results of some of them may not be felt for months. But if these initial indicators hold, President Trump is off to a good start.
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