AUDIT: About Undermining Democrat-Implemented Theft (of elections)
Spring has sprung, and the lilacs are in bloom. Speaking of blooming, reports of election irregularities and audits and agitated Democrats and their lickspittle media are breaking out all over. Let’s start this update with signs of panic in the Democrat-media complex, as no matter how hard they try, they will never suppress the deeply held suspicions by many Americans about the lack of integrity of the 2020 election. For example, in a recent Ipsos/Reuters poll whose results were released on 21 May:
“56% of Republicans believe the election was rigged or the result of illegal voting, and 53% think Donald Trump is the actual President, not Joe Biden. Only 30% of Republicans feel confident that absentee or mail-in ballots were accurately counted, compared to 86% of Democrats and 55% of independent.
I would wager that this poll is about as “accurate” as the election polls, too, in that the Republican numbers are in reality much higher while lower percentages of Democrats and independents believe mail-in ballots were “accurately counted.” And NOBODY believes that The Hologram received 81 million legal votes!
The ever-reliable Democrat mouthpiece, the Associated Press, has been trying very hard to squelch any notions that election fraud in 2020 and audits that might prove same are anything other than “fantasies” concocted by President Trump and his supporters, as noted here.
Speaking of “trying hard” to squelch the audits, two leading pundits seem to be getting a little nervous about the Arizona audit (and actions percolating in other states). Rachel Maddow is the queen of conspiracy theories. How many of her shows in 2018-2019 were about “Trump-Russia collusion” before Robert Mueller’s report blew that theory up in her face (her 17 most egregious lies can be found here)? And then there was the Ukraine phone call and her admission on 16 May that “that she has been brainwashed by the mainstream media into believing maskless people are ‘dangerous.’” Moving on to election audits, she has been in the vanguard of legacy media talking heads castigating anyone supporting any of the audits anywhere for any reason for weeks. Check out this 8-minute video on 26 May for an example of her claims and histrionics if you can stomach it. She even quoted Pamela Karlan, she of the impeachment hearing infamy during which she made fun of Barron Trump, and who as newly appointed head of DoJ’s civil rights division weighed in about “federal concerns” about the AZ audit. Given Maddow’s track record of lying about all things Trump, the truth is almost certainly the opposite of what she bleats.
Then there is Chris Cuomo, who was on the rampage against Patrick Byrne on Tuesday night, spending a whole segment trashing Byrne, LTG Flynn, and Sidney Powell on the ongoing Arizona audit. Note the chyron at the bottom claiming Arizona is engaged in a “fraudit.” I mean, what is ol’ Chris worried about if he and the rest of the Democrat mouthpieces at CNN believe that 2020 was “the most secure election in US history”? Methinks he bleats just a LITTLE too loudly and is just a TINY bit worried about what will be found in Arizona.

Could it be that reports of election irregularities that have been seeping out from several swing states are having a deleterious effect (from the Democrats’ point of view) on the public’s opinion about the integrity – or lack thereof – of the 2020 elections? Is that why Maddow and Cuomo are getting pretty emotional about the Arizona audit and the crescendo of related actions around the country? Let’s take a look.
Arizona. The Arizona forensic audit restarted on Monday, and the fireworks continue:
- On Tuesday, “the Arizona House Appropriations Committee [and later the Senate Appropriations Committee] stripped Secretary of State Katie Hobbs of her ability to defend election lawsuits. It gave the power exclusively to the Attorney General.” The article also noted that she didn’t support Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s federal lawsuit against ballot harvesting (like the good little Soros-backed SoS that she is). From Brnovich’s official website:
On Tuesday, Attorney General Mark Brnovich filed a Motion to Intervene with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of the State of Arizona in the Democratic National Committee lawsuit challenging Arizona’s ban on ballot harvesting and statutes regulating out-of-precinct voting. Attorney General Brnovich is moving to intervene on this matter on behalf of the State because defendant Secretary of State Hobbs has announced that she does not support an appeal.
- Was Katie Hobbs secretly CC’ing known Pakistani intelligence-connect front companies on her emails during the election? The former special forces sleuths at 1st Amendment Praetorian claim that to be so:

- Hobbs has also been throwing the kitchen sink at AZ Republicans in order to try to undermine the legitimacy of the audit, accusing them of ballot storage security problems, running a money-making venture, inept and unsecure audit procedures, etc. She has also been coordinating with election officials in other states, too. I wonder if that is in her “job description”?
- Arizona passed a law making it a felony to change state election laws without prior legislative approval as a countermeasure to Katie Hobbs’ unauthorized extension of the voter registration deadline in 2020.
- Arizona Republicans are also “pushing to create criminal penalties for election workers and volunteers who deviate from procedures and to give prosecutors all mail ballots rejected for signature problems.”
- It looks like the Maricopa audit is zeroing in on the main problem, i.e., the manual adjudication process:
- It was reported Monday that a tech company working on the AZ audit had completed its contract and was being replaced by an AZ-based company. The interesting connection is that Wake Technologies, Inc., had previously been involved in Pennsylvania per this Epoch Times report.
Georgia. While the Arizona audit is in the limelight at present, things are happening in Georgia, too:
- Michael Patrick Leahy, the CEO and Editor in Chief of Star News Digital Media, revealed the following bombshells during an interview on Steve Bannon’s War Room on 19 May:
Michael Patrick Leahy: “Here’s what’s shocking about it, 85% of the (dropbox) ballots, or over 50,000 were not transported from the dropbox to the registrar immediately as the Georgia state law requires… 5% of them, well over 3,000 were delivered before they were picked up. How can you do that?
Steve Bannon: Stop, stop, stop! Walk me through – give me that one again. You’re breaking the law of physics.
Michael Patrick Leahy: We have examined, every single one of the 1,100 document transfer forms, collection box, dropbox collections from September 24 to November 3rd… One delivery in College Park was delivered 22 minutes before it was picked up!
- Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon and The War Room on 24 May to convey the following during an interview:
We now have two state senators, Republicans, Beach and Jones, who are calling for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to be side-by-side with the forensic analysis looking at these 147,000 mail-in ballots… Were there counterfeit ballots? Six affidavits now, we had four now there’s six, six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147,000 ballots are fake! Somebody printed them up on a machine and ran them through a vote-counting machine that are not real that are not attached to anybody
- Here’s another report on that War Room interview of interest regarding what Judge Amero might do if a significant number of fraudulent ballots is found:
- A poll-watcher who witnessed the recount of ballots in Dekalb, Georgia as a volunteer with the Georgia GOP on 27 November recently reported on her experience. In her opinion, it was a sham recount:
I located a poll worker and asked her what was being done at each table. She said they were counting the number of ballots. I asked if they were comparing the candidate votes to what the machine count was and she said no. She said they were just making sure that there were 100 ballots in each batch. I asked her to repeat that and then asked what the point of counting paper was. She said they wanted to make sure the number of votes matched the number of ballots. We had been told the votes would be counted not the ballots.
- Is this incompetence, dereliction of duty, or something more sinister?
An attorney representing Georgia citizens who secured the right to review over 145,000 absentee ballots cast in Fulton County in November told the judge overseeing the case that a top county election official could not say how many absentee ballots were printed.
Michigan. In a bombshell report, an independent agency reported on the use of problematic cellular modems in Dominion Systems machines. So Dominion machines could have been connected to the internet after all!
The US Election Assistance Commission (EAC) believes Dominion Voting Systems machines in Michigan use “modem transmission features” and “do not match the EAC-certified system configuration,” according to a letter the inspector general of the EAC sent to U.S. Congressman Bill Posey, which was obtained by National File. A top Dominion executive reportedly testified that his machines use cellular modems, which experts previously said “make Michigan elections vulnerable.”
Nevada. Nevada sneaked into the election integrity news with this excellent summary report of post-election goings-on between the Nevada state GOP and Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske (R) who has consistently claimed that, despite 8 binders of evidence and 122,918 Election Violation Reports, there is no widespread evidence of fraud during the 2020 election. The Nevada Republican Party censured her back in April:
The @NVGOP passed a resolution to censure @NVSOS due to her failure to implement reasonable election security measures, failure to investigate all potential fraudulent votes, and irresponsible public statements regarding the fairness of the election.
— Nevada GOP (@NVGOP) April 12, 2021
New Hampshire. Controversy surrounded counting errors associated with one or more vote tabulators in Windham County “misreading” folded ballots, with one machine having “counted only 28 percent of the 75 votes for each Republican candidate in the contest.” The Windham discrepancies discovered during the hand count – that Republican candidates were short-changed by the automated tabulators while Democrat candidates gained votes – are potentially very important if the problem is statewide (and maybe even nationwide), as reported here. Here is an update on the audit:
Despite two of Windham’s four machines being in agreement and one being exceptionally off, [Auditor] Hursti reiterated there is no reason for concern in the rest of New Hampshire. Marilyn Todd of NH Voter Integrity Group disagrees, summarizing that out of the 243 towns in NH, 137 of them use the same Diebold ES2000 Model A voting machines as Windham. Hence, with over 200 of these machines in use across the state, Todd insists it is unreasonable to assume that Windham is the only town with a problem, as Hursti states. Additionally, Todd does not believe the discrepancies lie just in the paper folds, stating:
“If we allow them into manipulating us into thinking this is just the paper, we are not going to have a say in these machines. The paper folds are an excuse to make the rest of New Hampshire feel comfortable.”
Pennsylvania. Isn’t it odd that all of these glitches associated with elections seem to only break in favor of The Hologram and the Democrats? Here is another example – this time in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, during a recent primary election:
A Pennsylvania county faulted a “coding error” this week after Republican and nonpartisan voters were dismayed to see only Democratic ballots available as they tried to participate in a slew of local elections.
Luzerne County voters were issued a ballot that only indicated it was for the Democratic primary, regardless of their indicated party affiliation. Many Tuesday voters left their polling places agitated, though Director of Elections Bob Morgan said the error was not the fault of the local government, but rather the blame lied with Dominion Voting Systems, a company marred by dubious election fraud claims in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.
Luzerne County subsequently voted “to ask the county District Attorney’s Office to investigate the May 18 primary election.”
Corrective Actions. A number of states are considering and/or enacting measures to improve the integrity of future elections.
Here is one I really like! Check out the last paragraph in the below in which an AZ state senator suggests making audits a permanent feature in Arizona. That should be automatic everywhere.
Conclusion. It sure does seem like there is a lot happening after “the most secure election in US history,” doesn’t it? The legacy media continue to carry water for Democrats by not investigating or covering any of this other than to disparage the Arizona audit, but the above may explain why the likes of Rachel Maddow and Chris Cuomo are getting emotional on the subject! Stay tuned.
The end.