Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, speaks at a news conference at RIA Novosti news agency in Moscow, Russia, Monday, Dec. 12, 2016. Page said he was in Moscow on a visit to meet with businessmen and politicians. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)
In March 2017, former Trump campaign staffer, Carter Page, was in a jam.
The internet was alive with allegations pushed by American media that President Trump and/or his campaign were guilty of “collusion” with the Russians. And Carter Page was at ground zero. For over six months details of his dealings with various Russian individuals and entities had been appearing in major news outlets. Those stories also contained ominous, officially sanctioned leaks that basically screamed that Page was under intensive surveillance by our national security apparatus under the provisions of a warrant issued by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Any doubt about that vanished when BuzzFeed published the dossier which made very clear that Carter Page was the designated fall guy in the whole Russia Hoax. He was the guy who was targeted because of his business connections with Russia and he was going to be the sacrificial lamb that proved collusion.
In an effort to clear his name, Page asks for an interview with FBI agents.
To an average person, this is an insane proposition. When the FBI has targeted you, your only hope of avoiding jail time is to shut up and get a vicious, spiteful, no-holds-barred lawyer. But Carter Page is nothing if not average. He does what any former staff officer would do…he pulls an all-nighter to be ready for the big event with a demonstrable mastery of all the details.
Talk about ballsy. Two FBI agents with fangs out and claws fully extended show up to do up some rube with a “lying to a federal agent” charge and they get hit right between the beady eyes with a PowerPoint presentation.
This is how a man overcome by righteous indignation responds in a way that puts to bed all doubts about his sincerity.
I would have paid good money to have seen the expression on the faces of those two FBI agents as Page fired up PowerPoint and launched into his discourse on The Swamp and Dodgy Dossier.
While I wouldn’t advise it for lesser mortals, it worked for Page and that is all that matters.
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