Thursday Morning Minute

AP Photo/Jose Juarez

Good morning, and welcome to RedState's "Morning Minute" — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 



WATCH: Biden Has Trouble Immediately Upon Landing in Italy

How long are they going to let this go on? And how can someone that far gone deal effectively with world leaders? 

Pete Buttigieg Throws Shade at Martha-Ann Alito's Words, Fails to Check Spouse Chasten's Psychobabble

Buttigieg must have attended the same word salad training course that VP Kamala Harris did because his comments to the CNN anchor were a tossed mess that had little to do with Mrs. Alito's comments and everything to do with pushing the agenda that Justice Alito is dangerous and the Supreme Court must be reined in.

Ron DeSantis Emasculates Snotty Reporter Over 'Gender-Affirming Care' for Children

Do not ever give up the premise because the moment you do, the argument is over.


Today on Capitol Hill...

Thursday marks another busy day on the hill, even if some of the lawmakers are tired and/or a bit sore following the 31-11 GOP rout of the Dems in Wednesday evening's congressional baseball game. 

WATCH: Protesters Storm the Field at Congressional Baseball Game, Before Getting Tackled, Dragged Away

Here are some of the meetings/hearings scheduled for the day: 

  • Senate Energy and Natural Resources — An oversight hearing to examine the Bureau of Land Management
  • House Judiciary — Hearing on the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office — this one should be lively, with Missouri's Attorney General Andrew Bailey among those set to testify
  • House Ways and Means — The Crisis on Campus: Antisemitism, Radical Faculty, and the Failure of University Leadership — also likely to be lively, with Columbia Business School Assistant Professor Dr. Shai Davidai among those slated to testify 
  • House Foreign Affairs — The Plight of Americans Detained Abroad
  • Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation — Hearings to examine FAA oversight of aviation manufacturing
  • House Energy and Commerce — “Securing America’s Critical Materials Supply Chains and Economic Leadership”
  • House Natural Resources — Oversight Hearing Titled: "Destroying America's Best Idea: Biden's Border Crisis, Desecrating National Park Lands and Damaging Communities"
  • House Oversight and Accountability — “What We Have Here…is a Failure to Collaborate: Review of GAO’s Annual Duplication Report”
  • House Homeland Security — “A Cascade of Security Failures: Assessing Microsoft Corporation’s Cybersecurity Shortfalls and the Implications for Homeland Security”

White House What's Up

President Joe Biden (and a whole gaggle of family members, who surely are paying their own way with their lucrative gigs as...Biden Family members) are in Italy for the G7. Word has it he's already tearing it up over there.

Full Court Press...

Well, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) is still on trial in the Southern District of New York for corruption, bribery, etc. Per the latest reports, the prosecution is still presenting its case. 

Thursday in June means: SCOTUS cases! That's right — today is another decision hand-down day, and as there are 32 decisions left and we're into mid-June, expect some of the big ones to start landing. We will, of course, keep you posted. 


I haven't watched a lot of baseball this season. Maybe it's because my beloved Cardinals have been mediocre at best. Maybe it's because I've been more focused on all the tornadic weather we've seen this spring. Either way, I did actually watch most of Wednesday night's congressional baseball game — and found myself enjoying it. It's nice to see Congress critters stepping outside their normal roles and, well, actually playing. We could all maybe stand to do that a little more. 


I'm not sure I've ever seen such determination. How soon can she run for president?



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