Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – Peter Doocy Brings Down the House During Grilling of WH on Classified Docs — by Nick Arama
That’s an excellent question. There’s a lot that needs answering here. Biden hasn’t worked for Penn since 2019. So why were they packing up the office in Nov. 2022, and why was a personal lawyer sent? Personal lawyers don’t usually pack up offices, not when you have to pay them hundreds of dollars an hour. That would suggest that there was a reason that lawyer was there. Did someone else find the documents first and call the lawyer? And now, this also exposed the classified documents to that personal lawyer.
But it was Fox’s Peter Doocy who brought down the house with his question and you have to see KJP’s face in reaction, it’s priceless. Check out her eyes, it’s wonderful.

#2 – UPDATED: Flights Grounded Nationwide Due to FAA Computer System Failure — by Jennifer Van Laar
Flights across the United States are delayed Wednesday morning as the result of a computer failure at the Federal Aviation Administration. The affected system, NOTAMS (Notice to Air Missions) is responsible for sending out flight hazards and real time restrictions to pilots.
An initial statement released by the agency reads:
“THE FAA is experiencing an outage that is impacting the update of NOTAMS. All flights are unable to be released at this time.”

#3 – McCarthy Wins the 15-Round Bout, but Matt Gaetz Is the Real Winner — by Bob Hoge
Usually when a writer writes, “it was like a 15-round fight,” they’re engaging in hyperbole—but as RedState’s Nick Arama reported, Friday night’s vote for Speaker of the House did indeed go 15 rounds before Kevin McCarthy finally won after facing a rebellion from 20 Republicans who initially refused to vote for him. It was the longest speaker battle since 1853.
California’s McCarthy finally won the speakership, but Florida congressman Matt Gaetz may have won the war. He was the leader of the pack of holdouts, along with Colorado’s Lauren Boebert and Arizona’s Andy Biggs, and for a brief moment in time, they held the future one of the three branches of government in their hands. All eyes looked to them as their yay or nay could change the course of the future.

#4 – Incoming Oversight Chair Reveals Top Priority of Biden Investigation — and Humiliates Chuck Todd in the Process — by Mike Miller
Anyway, after four days and 15 ballots finally gave the gavel to McCarthy in the wee hours of Saturday morning — all but neutering his power as Speaker — it’s time for the circular firing squad to end and for the promised work to be done. Do I have my doubts? Of course, don’t you?
With the above realization surely in mind, Kentucky Rep. James Comer, the incoming House Oversight Committee chair, appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday to discuss the priorities of his committee. The bottom line: “We’re not investigating Hunter Biden; we’re investigating Joe Biden.” I like it — on paper, anyway.
Although, if Comer’s committee is to effectively investigate The Big Guy and his involvement in The Biden Family Business, of course it will also have to investigate Biden’s crackhead son Hunter, and the multiplicity of damning allegations against him.

#5 – Faces Meet Palms After Mitch McConnell Comments on the New GOP House Majority — by Bonchie
I’m not sure there’s anything conservatives despise more than being gaslit by their own leadership, and this is gaslighting of the highest order. McConnell states that he is looking forward to “working together to check and balance Washington Democrats, bring oversight to this reckless Administration, fight the far left’s radical policies, and defend America.”
Apparently, McConnell thinks the rest of us were born sometime in the last few days because he literally just got done doing what was essentially a joint campaign stop with Joe Biden in Kentucky. Together, the two lauded the passage of a massive infrastructure bill, seen as a key victory for the White House’s agenda prior to the last election. McConnell himself helped whip the votes for that spending package.
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