Welcome to the RedState Weekly Briefing — where we take a quick look at the week’s most viewed stories in case you missed any of them. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with this 21st Century Weekend Edition of your favorite (online) publication!

#1 – Alyssa Milano Throws a Virtue Signaling Fit at Elon Musk, and He Has Thoughts — by Nick Arama
“Giving her Tesla back” (whatever that means) wouldn’t do a darn thing to affect Elon Musk. If she means that she traded it in for a Volkswagen, then she still paid the money to Tesla.
But does she even know the origin of Volkswagen? She attacks a guy who wants free speech, so that she can embrace a company that was originally founded by the Nazis? The Volkswagen plant under the Nazis contained four concentration camps and eight forced-labor camps. The company was later taken over by others after the war, but it still has that history. Milano is not the sharpest tool in the drawer. She flees someone who wants free speech at their company, while she buys a vehicle from a company started by real white supremacists.

#2 – James Woods and Elon Musk Have Some More Fun With Alyssa Milano Turning in Her Tesla — by Nick Arama
NPC translates to “Non-player character” meaning, they can’t think for themselves and they just go along with whatever the latest “thing” is. Although Musk did allow that it could be her account is run by others.
But because Elon is now the “bad” thing, it’s under the bus he goes and he’s “literally Hitler.” If you don’t go along with what they want, you will be cancelled and/or destroyed.
Milano is perhaps a golden example of someone who goes along with whatever the latest liberal “thing” is, as actor James Woods pointed out. He said she needed some history lessons, as she didn’t seem to have absorbed the science ones.

#3 – Alexander Vindman Caught in Possible Bot Scheme, Elon Musk Gets Involved and Hair Combusts — by Bonchie
Yeah, that’s a bad bet. It’s also a sure sign that he doesn’t have an actual argument. Every time Vindman is challenged, he falls back on his military service and high-minded proclamations about history, as if he and his leftwing viewpoints have a monopoly on the high ground. Still, I’m pretty sure Vindman won’t have a page in the history books in any case because no one cares about partisan impeachment witnesses decades after the fact. By contrast, Musk will have a whole chapter.
Regardless, I could offer many more examples of high-follower accounts rending their garments over Musk’s questioning of Vindman, but I’ll end with this one from Tom Nichols. Why? Because I think it perfectly illustrates the weakness of the left.

#4 – Martha MacCallum Leaves John Kirby Stuttering Over Differing Treatment of Twitter and Apple — by Nick Arama
Kirby tried to suggest there were issues of foreign investment in Twitter and claimed the two cases were “apples and oranges.” But there have been issues of foreign investment in Twitter for years, and they weren’t concerned about it before. Why are they concerned about it now? Meanwhile, they’re not concerned about Apple’s closeness with China. They’re not concerned about TikTok’s connection to China. MacCallum also pointed out how Musk had helped protesters with Starlink in Iran and Ukraine, supporting protesters’ right to speak, yet the Biden White House was targeting him.
MacCallum then got to the money shot: that Musk was going to reveal the Twitter “free speech suppression” Twitter files,” and that he posted how Twitter in the past had interfered in elections. MacCallum called out the conversation the government had with Facebook that affected the Hunter Biden story. Kirby claimed he didn’t know about any conversations the government had with Twitter to suppress things. MacCallum threw Biden’s “threat to democracy” propaganda back at Kirby, asking if there was interference. Kirby again protested he knew nothing about anything but then fell back on the old standby of “Russia, Russia, Russia” attempting to interfere.

#5 – Here Is the Question Joe Biden Was Clueless About in Nantucket — by Nick Arama
But there was this moment on Friday that was so quintessentially Biden. He was asked a question about the draw between England and U.S. in the World Cup. Now, keep in mind that he spoke with the team a few days before on Monday and he told them everyone is “rooting for you.” So he should have at least known they had games going on. But he had no idea what the reporters were even asking him about when he gave them this completely blank look. He certainly wasn’t paying any attention to the game, despite what he had said.
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