Unfortunately, The Chicken Wars really began to heat up online after I recorded yesterday, so while I briefly touch on the new theater of the culture war — which centers around the debate over which is superior, Popeye’s new chicken sandwich or the Lord’s Chicken, Chick-Fil-A — I don’t do it the justice it deserves. I’ll save that for next week. Because it’s both hilarious and (I think) meaningful.
What this week’s show does offer is in-depth analysis of criminal justice reform. I have a very special guest on this week, my friend Matthew Hurtt, Director of External Relationships for Americans for Prosperity Foundation’s Grassroots Leadership Academy. He joins me for an extended discussion on cjr, the First Step Act, the amazing Matthew Charles, and why breaking down barriers to people re-entering society after a jail term is the right move under almost any metric.

Additionally, this week goes into the Omar/Tlaib dis-invitation to visit Israel. Were the ladies right in blaming Donald Trump for influencing Netanyahu to make a decision restricting their visitation (restrictions, I might add, they were unwilling to meet)? I try to answer that question.
Rounding out the politics side of the show, I talk at length about the Democrat warning to SCOTUS that the high court better get in line on the gun issue (which, it turns out, they’re more liberal on than most Americans) or they may find themselves restructured. I wrote about that issue here, and you should read it. Because if the Democrats find themselves in a position of real power again, they will no doubt try to pack the court.
Finally, this week’s Hollywood coverage is a little lighter and is essentially a run down of things I haven’t seen yet, but will be putting on the list to review on future shows, including The Politician on Netflix and The Last Black Man in San Francisco (which I think I just moved to the top of my list based on the WSJ review).
There’s also a bit on whether or not Disney will be inadvertently used as a mouthpiece for the Chinese in the ongoing protests happening in Hong Kong. I know, right? Be careful who you sign up with…
Check out the episode below.
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