HOT TAKES: The Pathetic and at Times 'Ghoulish' Media Reactions to Trump's Joint Congressional Address

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

By many accounts, President Trump gave one of the best speeches he ever has during Tuesday night's joint Congressional address, at times highlighting his accomplishments one month in and pulling no punches in slamming Democrats while at other times tugging at the heartstrings of viewers watching with the sweet, sometimes heartwrenching stories he told about our fellow Americans.


Predictably, the Democrats who decided to show up threw tantrums at the beginning, flashing ping pong signs with various political messaging on them, wearing pink to show so-called "solidarity" with women, and repeatedly yelling during the early part of Trump's speech.

As we reported, one House Democrat, Rep. Al Green (D-TX) was escorted out by order of House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) over his refusal to sit down and let Trump speak uninterrupted. 

READ MORE -->> WATCH: The Boss Move JD Vance Made Before Al Green Was Escorted Out of Trump's Speech

As it turns out, Trump's speech was so effective at getting the message across that the Democrats' allies in the mainstream media all had some pretty sour looks on their faces (and glum-sounding voices), too.

MSDNC's Rachel Maddow, for one, was having a really bad night:

As was her colleague, Nicolle Wallace, whose appalling reaction was described by some as "ghoulish":


Things weren't much better over at CNN, where Joe Biden apologists Jake Tapper and Dana Bash whined about Trump using his speech in part to slam Democrats without mentioning that Democrats had made plans to disrupt his speech ahead of time:

Reporters at CBS News were also fauxfended:


Meanwhile, at NBC News:

Bottom line: A frustrating night for Democrats and the MSM usually equates to good news for Republicans and America, and it looks like that's exactly how things played out Tuesday night.

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