Woke White 'Femicrats' Hold Hilarious Struggle Session After Report of Biden Losing Support Among Women

AP Photo/Joerg Sarbach

On Thursday, we learned thanks to the New York Times of all places that President Joe Biden's support among women was cratering at a critical point in a presidential election year, with it being "the weakest lead a Democrat has had since 2004, a key factor in how tight the race is" according to a 30-poll analysis done by the snoozepaper of record.


"Mr. Biden’s lead among women has slid to about eight percentage points since the 2020 election...That’s down from a lead among women of about 13 percentage points four years ago," the Times also noted.

Not surprisingly, feminist Democrats - or "Femicrats," as I call them, many of who chose to vote for Joe Biden in 2020 despite rape accusations from Tara Reade and inappropriate conduct allegations from other women, did not take it well.

SEE ALSO (FROM 2020): Feminists Reveal Their 'Even If Biden's a Rapist, I'll Vote for Him Anyway' Strategy - and It's Ugly

Leading the way in the impromptu struggle session was former Dept. of Justice Attorney Julie Zebrak, who announced that as a white woman her support "has only intensified over the last several years" for Biden:

Numerous other women also chimed in, also bizarrely emphasizing the fact that they were white and enthusiastically supporting Biden in November:


While I'm not sure why they felt the need to include their skin color, it was nevertheless a helpful tidbit of information considering how any sensible and sane person knows that liberal white women (LWW) are going to be the downfall of America if we let them.

But beyond that, what was especially hilarious about the LWW struggle sesh was that they clearly didn't read the article, which pointed out that Biden's loss of support among women was "particularly pronounced" ... among women of color:

Mr. Biden’s drop in support has been particularly pronounced among Black and Hispanic women, according to a new set of polls focused on women across the country and in Arizona and Michigan from KFF, a nonprofit organization that focuses on health care research.

The surveys show that even as abortion and democracy are key issues for a small but meaningful segment of women, concerns about inflation continue to play a more central role in the race and to benefit Mr. Trump.

Between this news, and the fact that there's also been a pattern of black and Hispanic males gravitating towards Republicans over the last several years since Donald Trump's 2016 victory, we can see why the Biden campaign is devoting significantly more time and resources than they normally would have to in order to try and corral these voters back into their fold.


But it may be too late, because at the end of the day, voters from all backgrounds prioritize the kitchen table issues over all the rest, and middle-class Americans of all colors are most definitely not better off now than they were nearly four years ago when Joe Biden took office. 

That said, ultimately it is black and Hispanic voters fed up with being taken for granted by the Democratic Party who may end up saving America come Election Day by voting Biden out of office. It would be the ultimate insult to Joe "you ain't black" Biden to have this play out, which is one of many reasons why it in fact very much needs to happen.

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