Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer announces that she will not seek a third term and will retire at the end of her current term, Wednesday, March 12, 2014, in Glendale, Ariz. (AP Photo/Matt York)
Last week, I wrote about how former Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ) complained on social media about the rough treatment the mainstream media gave her after her famous “pointing at Obama” incident in 2012 in contrast to their fangirling over a similar image of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Trump, which was shared on Twitter by Trump on Wednesday.
To recap, after the President posted the picture and captioned it “Nervous Nancy’s unhinged meltdown!”, Pelosi’s staff countered by making the picture he tweeted the header image on her Twitter page:
Nancy Pelosi took Trump's tweet about her "meltdown" and made it her Twitter cover photo https://t.co/BDKsnRhYeo pic.twitter.com/PmJk1XsKda
— CBS News (@CBSNews) October 18, 2019
The media swooned over the photo. As Newsbusters’ Nicholas Fondacaro noted at the time, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell and Lester Holt were among the many who were in awe of the supposed symbolism of the image.
CNN’s Dana Bash was another who couldn’t help but gush over the photo, and how Pelosi and her staff “owned” the moment where she “[stood up] … at a table of all men” against Trump.
Brewer weighed in on Twitter on Thursday, noting the backlash she received when she stood up to Obama versus how Pelosi was treated like a queen over her finger-pointing at Trump:
The news media hails @SpeakerPelosi as a hero for pointing her finger at @POTUS @realDonaldTrump but when I stood up to @BarackObama I was vilified as rude and racist. Such Hypocrites! pic.twitter.com/banxxQp7F1
— Jan Brewer (@GovBrewer) October 17, 2019
I included examples in my post which showed that Brewer was spot-on in her characterization of the media’s hypocrisy.
But seeing their duplicity in living color shines an even brighter, starker light on the two faced nature of the mainstream media when it comes to women in politics confronting men who are more powerful than them.
The Free Beacon did a must-watch video mashup last Friday that included numerous examples of how the MSM breathlessly reported on Pelosi “standing up to Trump” versus what they said about Brewer’s 2012 confrontation with President Obama.
There’s no question that liberal media bias exists. I’ve written about it for over 16 years, but even I was taken aback at just how blatant the double standards were in this case after I watched the video:
Wow. And the MSM still wonders why we don’t trust them to cover the issues fairly?
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 16+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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