Oh what a difference a week makes.
Let us take a walk down memory lane with respect to the love affair between Antifa/BLM and the elected Democrat establishment of Oregon and Portland.
Just nine days ago, on July 23 I covered Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s foray to the frontlines of the rioting between Antifa/BLM and the federal law enforcement agents left alone by the state and local politicians to defend the Hatfield Federal Courthouse in downtown Portland which was being attacked nightly by rioters operating without interference out of public parks just across the street. Noteworthy was the fact that Mayor Wheeler wasn’t treated with much respect by the rioters, as they were happy to throw things at him and chant for his removal from office. In the end he had to be “rescued” from the mob by a detail of 6-7 security officials in plain clothes who had been close at hand all during his interactive “support” of the “protesters”.
Three days later, on July 26 I noted the sudden re-emergence of the Portland PD on the scene of the rioting that night, engaging with the federal law enforcement agents in a game of wack-a-rioter. Was the apparent change in policy — Portland PD had been MIA for an extended period of time — somehow connected to Mayor Wheeler not being clutched to the bosom of Anitfa/BLM when he came to stand united with them three nights earlier?
On July 27 I observed that Portland PD seemed to be showing some newfound “vigor” in the streets in their confrontation with rioters — two consecutive days shortly following Mayor Wheeler having received a less than cordial welcome on the frontlines. He continued to have the right words spew forth when he spoke about the protesters, but in what Portland PD you certainly got the feeling some different message was communicated by him beyond the earshot of the press.
Then came the announcement of a deal reached between Oregon Governor Kate Brown and DHS for the shift in responsibility for securing the parks and streets to the Oregon State Police and Portland PD. My colleague Nick Arama had it first here on July 29.
That was followed by relative peace and tranquility on the streets of Portland the nights of July 30 and 31.
But it seems like Antifa/BLM thought tonight would be a good time to test the commitment of Portland PD to the new plan with the Feds. But it looks like they didn’t appreciate how quickly the spirit of cooperation between the Democrat politicians and the rioters would evaporate into the ether.
Portland PD was there tonight to drive home this new reality.
— Cory Elia (@TheRealCoryElia) August 2, 2020
The feds might’ve stopped policing the protests, but local Portland police are brutalizing people right now.
— Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) August 2, 2020
The cops make their second charge and assault. #blacklivesmatter #protest #pdx #Portland #Oregon #BLM #acab #PortlandProtests #PDXprotests #PortlandStrong pic.twitter.com/rloq5s0exp
— Garrison Davis (Teargas Proof) (@hungrybowtie) August 2, 2020
An aggressive, ongoing and swift advance pic.twitter.com/R9MxyYiPwv
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) August 2, 2020
Antifa gathered in a residential area of Portland to attack a Portland Police building. They’ve been pushed far back. #PortlandRiots pic.twitter.com/pAGGJavzD4
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 2, 2020
I’m guessing Mayor Wheeler got beyond the idea he would be losing votes by cracking down on Antifa/BLM rioters.
Who thinks the Portland PD guys look like they are enjoying themselves for change?
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