Joe Biden is apparently hoping that he can slip by without having to answer whether he wants to pack the Supreme Court and without having to provide a list of who his choices for the Supreme Court would be.
As we reported previously, Biden avoided the question yet again on Thursday, treating Americans with disrespect, saying they would know whether or not he intended to pack the court “when the election is over.”
Joe Biden AGAIN refuses to say whether he supports packing the Supreme Court.
"You'll know my opinion on court packing when the election is over… The moment I answer that question, the headline in every one of your papers will be about that."
Give me a break.
So bogus. pic.twitter.com/PQY80WEMyy
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) October 8, 2020
But while some in the media may be willing not to actually press him on the question, his refusal to answer is becoming an issue and voters may be the ones to hold him to account on it.
Liberal law professor Jonathan Turley busted Biden for his refusal to answer.
…this is an idea put forward by the Democrats, including Biden's own running mate, and a major issue in this election. The test of principle is when it is neither popular nor convenient…
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) October 8, 2020
…this is why James Freeman Clarke said that “a politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.” Which is Biden thinking about in refusing to tell the voters whether he will pack the Supreme Court?
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) October 8, 2020
More from Turley:
The refusal of Vice President Joe Biden to answer repeated questions about his position on the packing of the Supreme Court is deeply troubling. This is a proposal raised not by the Republicans but his own running mate Kamala Harris and leading Democrats. It would destroy the Supreme Court and voters should know if Biden would consider such an irresponsible act, particularly when he previously denounced it. The refusal to stand against the proposal is a fundamental failure of leadership. Rather than confront the most extreme elements of his party, Biden has chosen to remain silent on a major issue in this election. Frankly, that is not the Biden that many of us knew from his time in the Senate. He should take a stand against this pernicious idea and defend the institution, as he did in 2019.
It gets worse for Biden. Not only is he getting called out by liberals like Turley, but he’s also turning off voters in the process.
As Frank Luntz explained, that was the number one problem that his voter focus group said at the Vice Presidential debate, that Biden and Harris were unwilling to answer a simple, incredibly important question.
This was the #1 complaint from my focus group during last night’s #VPDebate.
The Biden-Harris campaign refuses to answer a simple question. https://t.co/sDYrf5UpFg
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) October 8, 2020
The focus group of voters had a few words about Kamala Harris and her evasion.
Frank Luntz focus group, asks for one word to describe Harris: “evasive…nervous…shifting blame…caring….snarky….too rehearsed….nervous….evasive….abrasive….unsteady….rigid….unpresidential”
— Tim Alberta (@TimAlberta) October 8, 2020
The voters decided that Vice President Mike Pence won in part because of this kind of evasion.
If Biden is unwilling to give the voters the basic consideration of a response to such an important question after his side and his running mate have threatened to upend the Supreme Court in such a fashion, then frankly why should any voter give him their vote?
HT: Townhall
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