This is hot off the presses and the facts are still developing.
But apparently the feds including Vice President Mike Pence and the Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf reached an agreement with the governor of Oregon Kate Brown and other officials in the state to help defend the federal courthouse on the outside with members of the Oregon State Police, enabling the DHS to pull out the extra federal agents they had deployed to help out with the defense, the CBP Bortac Units and ICE. The regular agents that are there to protect the courthouse would remain, the FPS and the U.S. Marshals.
The governor previously had refused to work with the feds, now she’s conceded to help defend the courthouse as the locals should have been doing all along.
The State Police are to coordinate with the FPS to protect the building.
Our local Oregon State Police officers will be downtown to protect Oregonians' right to free speech and keep the peace. Let's center the Black Lives Matter movement's demands for racial justice and police accountability. It's time for bold action to reform police practices.
— Governor Kate Brown (@OregonGovBrown) July 29, 2020
Brown is implying to her followers on Twitter that federal agents would leave immediately. But that isn’t the truth.
However, according to Chad Wolf, the augmented agents will not be leaving until they are assured that the building will “no longer be under attack.”
NEW: Acting DHS Sec Chad Wolf announces an agreement reached with Oregon Gov. Kate Brown to end the violence in Portland. Brown had previously refused to work w federal assets and called for DHS to “go home” https://t.co/h0Ih826pMV
— Christian Datoc (@TocRadio) July 29, 2020
Clever language. So if you read what that says, the extra federal agents who were reinforcing are not leaving until the attacks stop, as Wolf made clear today.
As I told the Governor yesterday, federal law enforcement will remain in Portland until the violent activity toward our federal facilities ends. We are not removing any law enforcement while our facilities and law enforcement remain under attack.
— Acting Secretary Chad Wolf (@DHS_Wolf) July 29, 2020
The state of Oregon is finally agreeing to cooperate with our federal forces–exactly what we asked for since the nightly violence broke out two months ago.
We're glad Oregon is now correcting their months long error.
— Acting Secretary Chad Wolf (@DHS_Wolf) July 29, 2020
So it’s basically putting the state folks on the front line now and saying, “It’s on you.” And if they are insufficient, it’s on them and the federal agents are still there.
It also takes away the false argument that it’s the feds’ fault. If they are still attacking when it’s the state on the front lines then it never was about the feds, was it?
Now, it will be interesting – does Antifa back down once the talking point is no longer there?
Likely not because they still hate the local police. But it takes the steam out of it if it’s no longer about opposing Trump.
Should be interesting to find out what happens tonight.
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