If there’s anyone who ever summed up the frustration that people have had with officials over ridiculous and inconsistent lockdown rules in response to the Wuhan coronavirus, it was conservative radio host and Mediaite columnist John Ziegler this week in an epic video.
Ziegler appeared before the Ventura County Board of Supervisors and slammed them good, calling out the inconsistencies between what Dr. Robert Levin, the Ventura County Public Health Officer, initially said about the worth of mask wearing versus what is being required now. Now, the county is demanding that masks be worn everywhere, including when they are speaking before the county supervisors. The stance of Levin was very similar to that taken by Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Ziegler asked them to take a position on whether they were going to remove Levin for being “so catastrophically wrong.”
From Biz Pac Review:
“Or do you not really believe he was wrong?” Ziegler added. “You’re just wearing these masks because it is a signal of your great virtue? Because for the last three months, we have not worn them, and Ventura County has done outstandingly well and continues to do outstanding well because we’re not Los Angeles, we’re not New York City.”
“Ironically, this is one of the few things Dr. Levin was actually right about. He has been wrong about everything. He is the one who told us we would have four to six hundred hospitalizations a day. He revised that to two to four hundred a day. We still haven’t reached that in one day. We barely have over two hundred for the entire ordeal.” [….]
“We now have panicked over 51 total hospitalizations in a county with eight hospitals. Can you people do math? Can you please do basic math and understand where we are on this? This is not a crisis. You however have created one. You, in an effort to try to prevent all death, have now ended all relevant life!” Ziegler continued.
“And you should all be ashamed of yourselves. And this will never be forgotten. You will all be held accountable eventually in this life or the next. You all better hope there’s no hell because when you die, that’s where you’re going. And guess what? You’re not going to be dying of COVID either.”
Bravo. Right on target.
The inconsistencies and complete arbitrary nature of many of the rules is infuriating, as he points out with Levin. This was exposed more with how suddenly BLM protests were fine and lauded by many in media and government, while lockdown protests had previously been decried.
It’s impossible to even calculate how much these lockdown rules have disrupted and destroyed businesses and lives. The businesses that have gone under, the people who have died because of this from not getting needed care because of this. Everything else, every other care was thrown under the bus with no regard for reason or a responsible reaction, with this irresponsible and unscientific response.
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