Someone needs to explain this ridiculous effort by the BLM, other radical leftist groups and some Democrats to “defund the police.”
Some on the left are trying to make this argument that it doesn’t really mean what it says, that it isn’t really about disbanding the police, even though that’s exactly what protesters say it is about and what Minneapolis has said they intend to do. They want to soft pedal the idea, in stages, as though it only really means to reallocate some money.
If the purpose of the protests is to address the wrong of what was done to George Floyd or to deal with police brutality, how does removing money from police help that? Indeed, if anything, if you thought that maybe this was because some needed more training or better evaluation of some who are made cops, might that not imply the need for more money? Taking away money makes the police still employed even more under stress and having to cover more actions with fewer people.
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), someone believed to be under consideration by Joe Biden as a vice presidential running mate, appeared to do everything she could to duck the question about whether she was for defunding the police during two interviews, one on The View and another one with George Stephanopoulos.
.@KamalaHarris dodges question on whether she supports calls to defund the police. pic.twitter.com/RFkrQAqKVd
— The Federalist (@FDRLST) June 8, 2020
From Fox News:
Harris did not give a yes or no answer, but said that “we need to reimagine public safety in America,” and stated that there is a discussion to be had about prioritizing community funding.
“[T]o have cities where one-third of their entire budget is going to police, but yet there is a dire need in those same cities for mental health resources, for resources going into public schools, for resources going into job training and job creation? Come on,” she said. “We have to be honest about this that there’s actually not a consensus around this because if there were we would actually see smarter distribution of resources in our country to address the issues that need to be addressed.”
Here, while still being careful to duck the straight question, she says she applauds Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s action to take $150 million from the LAPD.
Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris: "I applaud Eric Garcetti" for defunding the Los Angeles police pic.twitter.com/qIT3rNAo92
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) June 9, 2020
That’s not going to go over well and there’s one person that perhaps Kamala should listen to on how this isn’t such a smart move. Kamala? Listen to Kamala:
I saw Kamala was at a protest the other day and it made me think about that time when she mocked people that protest to have funds diverted from prisons to things like education. pic.twitter.com/cSeRUOD2Tf
— TheAngrySociologist (@SankofaBrown) June 2, 2020
She’s just so false.
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