Joe Biden has finally emerged from his basement. He may be the only person still wearing a mask. Incorrectly, of course.
But he just told some huge whoppers about the Wuhan coronavirus.
He’s now trying to claim that he was warning about the virus in January and that if President Donald Trump had shut down a month earlier and listened to him, “45-60,000 people would be alive instead of dead.”
Joe Biden just lied to a church full of black community leaders about 'his' coronavirus recommendations in January. Says 45-60 thousand people would be alive today if President Trump listened to him. pic.twitter.com/MZeB6ducyy
— ForAmerica 🇺🇸 (@ForAmerica) June 1, 2020
He really is delusional at this point and completely rewriting facts and reality.
The reality?
Biden made absolutely no recommendations for a shutdown earlier or in his story in January. The story was again full of nonsense and contained lies about Trump’s actions. He misleadingly states that Trump proposed cuts to the NIH and the CDC, yet there were never cuts and any proposals didn’t involve pandemic response. He also spread the lie that went on for months without media debunking it, that Trump cut the pandemic team, when the person in charge of it, Tim Morrison said it was simply reorganized into another department. Biden misleadingly said the whole team was dismantled without saying there was a restructuring.
Biden didn’t say anything at all even about cutting travel in January, while the President was forming a task force, activating the CDC, declaring a public health emergency, and cutting travel with China. Indeed he spoke out against cutting travel in that January story, calling travel bans “reactionary that would only have made things worse.” Then in remarks in response to Trump’s decision to cut travel, Biden called Trump responding with “hysterical xenophobia.”
After President Trump implemented his travel ban from China on January 31, Joe Biden said in Iowa "this is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysterical xenophobia and fear-mongering." pic.twitter.com/gru4jsiCVf
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 1, 2020
When Trump cut travel with Europe on March 12, Biden spoke out against that too, saying he didn’t think that was the right move.
Joe Biden said on March 12:
"Banning all travel from Europe or any other part of the world may slow it but as we've seen, it will not stop it. Travel restrictions based on favoritism and politics rather than risk will be counterproductive." pic.twitter.com/KwZeFRpE1m
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 1, 2020
Why did Trump do that? He saw more virus cases coming in from Europe at that point into New York and stopped it, thus saving more lives. Both actions saved lives according to Dr. Anthony Fauci. Moves that Joe Biden spoke out against.
Meanwhile, what was Joe actually doing in March now that he appears to be claiming this? He was holding rallies on March 2, 3, 7, 9, 10. Trump’s social distancing guidelines started March 16.
Remember this when he was yelling in a voter’s face without a mask on March 10? Doesn’t look like he was following any lockdowns or safety procedures at all.
Joe Biden is touring an auto plant in Michigan, a *must win* for Democrats.
A blue collar Union autoworker asks Joe about protecting gun rights.
– Screams at voter
– Points finger in his face
– Says he will ban “AR-14s”
– Insults him
– Looks scaredpic.twitter.com/xgVLRDd2SR— Benny (@bennyjohnson) March 10, 2020
Where’s the mask or the social distancing Joe?
March 9:
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden held a campaign rally in Detroit, MI. pic.twitter.com/m42vDx2YTy
— The Hill (@thehill) March 10, 2020
Not to mention his “coronavirus adviser” Ron Klain was saying we had more to fear from the “fear epidemic” instead of the virus in February the very month that Joe is now claiming we should have shut down.
In fact, Biden didn’t even come out officially for cutting travel until April 2, months after Trump did it.
This lie needs to be rebutted loudly and strongly. It also says everything about who Biden is if he thinks he can see this to the American people and he’d lie in a church like this after what we’ve gone through with the pandemic, the death of George Floyd, and the riots.
This is a gigantic lie told by Joe Biden.
He DID NOT call for a nationwide lockdown in January in response to the coronavirus.
If that were true, why did he keep holding campaign rallies into the 2nd week of March?
He can’t be allowed to revise history.pic.twitter.com/jitSxuiu46
— Tim Murtaugh – Download the Trump 2020 app today! (@TimMurtaugh) June 1, 2020
It takes a real out of touch career politician of the most cynical kind to go to a church after the kind of weekend our country had and lie through his teeth that he was calling for the country to be shutdown in January. https://t.co/7YOgUY83aw
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) June 1, 2020
I look forward to every "fact checker" in the media giving @JoeBiden 4 big Pinocchios for this whopper of a lie that he called for a nationwide lockdown in January. https://t.co/Vv7CVZZ9O1
— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) June 1, 2020
HT: Twitchy
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