I postulated in a prior story that we might be seeing all these unusual moves by the judge in the Flynn case for two reasons.
First, this will result in briefs castigating Attorney General Bill Barr’s decision to dismiss the charges and trash President Donald Trump. All as we head into the heart of the general election.
The second reason is delay, to deprive the Trump team of a “win” and deflect focus from highlighting the wrongs of the Obama administration. Perhaps even someone thinking if they delayed long enough that they might flip the DOJ if Joe Biden were to be able to win, and then try to reinstate the charges.
Now, Undercover Huber is pointing out more information that may support both those points, particularly the one about delay.
Flynn amicus John Gleeson will file an initial brief by June 10. This will include:
"any additional factual development I may need before finalizing my argument in opposition" to the DOJ Motion to Dismiss.
"Factual development" – he may claim he needs to interview witnesses. pic.twitter.com/ebx8dgkjzl
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) May 18, 2020
Wait, what? So he doesn’t even want to submit the brief yet he was asked for, he wants to submit a brief asking about rules and questions, including “any additional factual development I may need before finalizing my argument in opposition” to the DOJ Motion to Dismiss.
Factual development? Is he kidding? He’s not the fact finder in the case, he has absolutely no position to ask for any further “factual development” (whatever he means by that). But it’s a move that clearly will result in more delay. Plus what does he intend to do? Does he think he would have the right to call witnesses? This is complete madness, with Judge Sullivan making the case into a Star Chamber to do what he can to hook Flynn.
Amicus brief by June 10, “additional” amici, a reply by the government and Flynn, a further reply, oral argument, and more after that? Throw in a few delaying tactics and that could be a schedule up to Aug/Sep easily
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) May 18, 2020
And why would Gleeson get the chance for a hearing to make oral argument but Flynn couldn’t get a hearing on his on motion to withdraw his plea? Hundreds of docket entries this could be decided on the papers
Stall tactics waiting for a Biden DOJ
— Undercover Huber (@JohnWHuber) May 18, 2020
Great point. One also have to wonder if this is to taunt Trump into pardoning Flynn and having done with it, then Democrats trying to use that to attack/impeach him again. Yes, he has the absolute power to pardon but that likely wouldn’t stop them, they don’t exactly play by the law or the rules. Again the point is to serve the attack, not whether it’s successful. It’s whether or not they can deflect away more votes.
What’s crazy on top of all this that the Judge isn’t even disturbed in the slightest by the FBI notes indicating that they were trying to set a perjury trap for Flynn or that they disappeared the original 302 that would reveal what was actually said. One might think that’s rather critical evidence, necessary to have any case.
It’s devolved into a complete and utter train wreck of a case, as attorney Ron Coleman helpfully explains.
LOL pic.twitter.com/frpt6Aeadb
— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) May 18, 2020
HT: Twitchy
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