There are a lot of troubling things about the Wuhan coronavirus.
But maybe one of the most ridiculous things is the explosion of “Karens” who feel they have the right to police the world and get out all their aggression at people.
Now, we get being responsible. We maybe even get telling kids who aren’t being responsible that they should be more responsible — if you’re a teacher, it’s sort of built into what you think your job is.
What we don’t get is wishing kids get the virus and die because they’re not complying with what you think they should be doing as far as social distancing.
A New Jersey math teacher from Steinert High School, reportedly Nicole Griggs, was caught on video screaming at kids saying that she hoped that they “die a long, painful death” from the virus after seeing them playing football together.
One of the students caught the incident on Snapchat, another put it on TikTok “Y’all Mrs Griggs is losing her damn mind how tf is she a teacher #coronavirus.” and it, unsurprisingly, went viral.
From The Trentonian:
“Parks closed. The whole area,” Griggs says. “Get it through your thick head. You are the reason we are in this situation. You are the problem, not the solution. Go ahead keep recording. Who are you going to show it to? Post me on social media. You’re the idiot doing the wrong thing. I’m just trying to save your ass and save your life. But die, OK. I hope both of you get the coronavirus. I hope you both die a long, painful death.”
Yikes. What kind of teacher talks like this to kids? Would it be wrong to add up teacher + New Jersey + attitude and conclude she was probably a liberal? But whatever the politics, just so wrong.
She called the police on them and the police told the kids to leave the park.
“When she said that, I was shocked,” the Steinert student said. “I didn’t know someone would say something like that, especially a teacher. She should be smarter with her words.”
Mayor Jeff Martin said he was not aware of the video or that it depicted a Hamilton teacher but condemned the teacher’s comments. No one, he said, should be “wishing death or harm on people.”
“This is a very serious thing,” he said. “We’ve got at least 50 people who have actually died from it, 50 families. It’s not something to joke around about. Teacher or not, it’s unacceptable.” [….]
Schools superintendent Scott Rocco said in a statement late Saturday the district was made aware of the video and will investigate.
“We will address the issue immediately,” he said.
The Trentonian claims this wasn’t the teacher’s first venture into Karen-hood when it came to the virus.
In an April 6 post on the Facebook page of Nikki Leigh, which Griggs appears to operate under an alias, she says: “We are surrounded by idiots!!!!!! Rode our bikes near Kuser Park this afternoon and what to [sic] we see but a younger couple with their daughter maybe 2/3 years old UNDOING the caution tape around the jungle gym so she could slide. I totally called them out on it, wished illness on them and commented that it was scary to even think they were parents. Their response: ‘We were going to put it back.’”
The Trentonian confirmed the Facebook page belongs to Griggs.
Can we note this crazy is something I commonly see on leftist Twitter: if you dare walk outside, you are endangering the world and the only “safe” position is to stay inside until a vaccine is developed or all 350 million Americans are tested or you want people dead. Meanwhile, can we note this teacher is without a mask screaming at these kids? Suppose a Karen called her out for that?
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