Mugshot from Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office
Usually you will find that local news is far more objective than a lot of national liberal media outlets.
But looking at this report from the News4Jax folks out of Jacksonville, and you just have to wonder what they were thinking.
The reporters went to the Duval County Jail to interview Gregory Timm, 27, the man who allegedly ran his van into a tent of GOP Trump campaign tent where volunteers were registering people to vote.
The volunteers who were 65 or older had to jump out of the way and were lucky not to be injured.
According to witnesses, Timm then allegedly got out of the van, videoed the damage and gave the volunteers the finger before speeding off.
When he was caught by the police, he allegedly admitted that he’d done it because he disliked Trump and that he thought he had to “take a stand.”
But if you just read the the local story, “Man accused of driving van into GOP tent says he’s thankful no one was hurt,” you’d think he was just a poor misunderstood soul, just wishing the best for everyone.
They described Timm’s demeanor as “friendly and pleasant.”
Timm spoke to News4Jax on Friday about the “divisiveness” of the current political climate in the United States and said it’ll be interesting to see what’s to come in the next year.
He said he intentionally waited about 20 minutes in the parking lot “for people to clear out” of the voter registration tent and that he never intended for anyone to get hurt. No injuries were reported after the incident.
When asked about his feelings on the importance of voting, Timm agreed that it is extremely important that people vote.
He shared some of his background with News4Jax, saying he was born in Iowa but moved to Phoenix when he was very young. He said he lived in St. Augustine for six years before moving to Jacksonville two years ago. He said he’s never been to jail before.
Exactly why are they giving this character who allegedly committed a political act the venue to spew? Who cares what he thinks about the importance of voting? He surely didn’t seem to want any Trump supporters to register to vote. Why do I care where he lived before? I surely wouldn’t take his word on his record.
As to his claim that he waited until people got out of the way, let me refer these News4Jax reporters to their own station’s prior report on the matter.
He then showed investigators a video he recorded while driving towards the tent, according to JSO, but the video cut out before he hit the tent. According to the report, Timm said he was upset that the video ended before “the good part.”
Timm said he waited until there were no people in front of the tent before he ran it over although, JSO investigators noted in the report, the video showed people still standing there.
So where is the mention of that here or confronting Timm on that fact? His claims are just mentioned without rebuttal.
This guy could have killed people for political, but hey, at least he’s “friendly and pleasant” (well, at least, before he allegedly tries to run you over).
This type of thing is why so many take issue with the media.
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