Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, arrives for a closed intelligence briefing with Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, Thursday Sept. 26, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) often refers to “our revolution.” Media tends to interpret that as simply a term for his movement. But others who have been following and paying attention to the more radical left know that’s a term that’s meant seriously.
Bre Kidman is a self-described Democratic socialist who is running for the Senate seat currently occupied by Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME). Kidman is running to become the “first non-binary” Senator and goes by the pronoun “they.”
Here’s a look at the troubling campaign message on the shirts that she’s putting out.
I was gonna wait until tomorrow to show off these beauties, but Trump got acquitted and I feel like folks could use something to look forward to. So.
Get ready for Merch-You-Can’t-Buy! You shouldn’t buy elections, so you can’t buy our locally silk screened, upcycled merch. pic.twitter.com/B0A4HSvDIw
— bre🏳️🌈kidman🇺🇸for🦞Maine🌹(D) (@BeeKay4ME) February 5, 2020
We’ll be giving these shirts (& patches & buttons) to folks who talk with Mainers about our campaign to #StopElectingTheRich and #ShowUpForME.
More details on how to get your GuilloTee tomorrow! In the meantime, remember: there is not going to be a more convenient revolution.
— bre🏳️🌈kidman🇺🇸for🦞Maine🌹(D) (@BeeKay4ME) February 5, 2020
Yes, in case you missed that, that’s a guillotine.
Just flagging that one of @SenSusanCollins' Senate opponents has merchandise with a guillotine on it, presumably to cut off .. opponents heads.
Yikes. #MEpolitics #MEsen https://t.co/1u3A2gt8c3
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) February 10, 2020
So she was asked who is the guillotine meant for?
More of a “what.” The guillotine is for the plutocratic & kleptocratic norms that have undermined our democratic process.
We have to develop ways to subvert the stranglehold of wealth on our government. There will not be a more convenient revolution. The symbol is a reminder.
— bre🏳️🌈kidman🇺🇸for🦞Maine🌹(D) (@BeeKay4ME) February 6, 2020
That was not reassuring and it got worse.
I’m aware of the French Revolution, and how the story ends. A guillotine t-shirt reminds others about it in hopes that we’ll all be motivated to address the very serious problems with our government before a similarly violent uprising becomes inevitable.
— bre🏳️🌈kidman🇺🇸for🦞Maine🌹(D) (@BeeKay4ME) February 8, 2020
Oh, good to know. It’s maybe not a threat tomorrow but Friday, when you think that we haven’t sufficiently complied with your demands.
This is my favorite: "you put ONE guillotine on a t-shirt threatening inevitable violent death to leaders and everyone just freaks out."
Trying to imagine what would happen if someone in Trump world did something like this. pic.twitter.com/wOUGlmQqzG
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) February 10, 2020
Meanwhile let’s read that in the context of current events: Susan Collins has been getting death threats again since her vote to acquit President Donald Trump, just as she got death threats after voting in favor of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Collins noted that she’s gotten three death threats that were deemed “credible” and are currently being investigated.
Also, Republicans were registering voters at a tent in Florida when a van ran through the tent, a man got out and gave them the finger. It was lucky that no one was injured in the attack on the tent.
A man was also arrested with a knife near the White House after saying he intended to assassinate the president.
But this is the troubling atmosphere that leftists in general have been stoking for the past fews years. Perhaps it was at its worst during the healthcare debate when multiple GOP officials and lawmakers were attacked in multiple incidents, and the GOP Congressional baseball practice was shot up by a Bernie bro who shouted, “This is for healthcare!”
Democratic officials need to condemn such things loudly. But unfortunately, we’re not hearing that. What we have been hearing is every effort to jack up the extreme language and the demonizing of Republicans.
HT: Twitchy
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