Former Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Trey Gowdy, had a few things to say about his former colleague, the present chair, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the drama surrounding his handling and involvement in the Ukraine whistleblower call matter.
The former federal prosecutor Gowdy immediately pointed out the huge problem for Schiff having contacts with the whistleblower. “Right now, he’s made himself a fact witness. He is in the evidentiary chain for what happened with this whistleblower and I hope the Republicans make him testify,” Gowdy explained.
Gowdy also blasted Schiff for even getting four Pinocchios from the liberal Washington Post after Schiff’s public stories about his contacts with the whistleblower and knowledge of his claim didn’t seem to match the facts. The WaPo called Schiff’s comments “flat out false,” as my colleague, Sister Toldjah, reported.
From Fox News:
“I think you got four [Pinocchios] only because you can’t get five,” Gowdy joked. “He got the maximum sentence you could get from the Washington Post fact checker — and don’t you know how hard that was for the Washington Post to give Adam Schiff four Pinocchios?”
“That’s the Seventh sign of the Apocalypse,” Gowdy laughed. “I think I have to get my affairs in order.”
Gowdy hit Schiff for his history of not being truthful, referring to him as a “career offender.”
“The same guy that had the parody a week or so ago, the same guy that says he has evidence that even [former Special Counsel Robert] Mueller couldn’t find,” Gowdy said. “The question I had is, How long is Speaker Pelosi going to put up with Adam mishandling this investigation?”
We still haven’t seen that “evidence” that Schiff claims conclusively proved the Trump team colluded with Russia.
Gowdy also pointedly observed that Pelosi seems to have swiped the matter from Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), the chair of the Judiciary Committee who would normally handle an impeachment inquiry and handed it over to Schiff who is messing up. But of course, nothing is normal about this and it isn’t even a formal inquiry yet. If this were a formal inquiry, Republicans would have the right to question him.
Too bad Gowdy isn’t still in Congress to be able to question Schiff about all this? Wouldn’t that be something?
That said, Schiff definitely needs to be called to account, as Gowdy says.
This places the whole process at risk and it should not be tolerated.
But is Speaker Nancy Pelosi likely to hold Schiff’s feet to the fire?
Given that she actually defended Schiff’s fake account of the Trump Ukraine phone call, saying incredibly that “he didn’t make it up,” one can’t have a lot of confidence that she will.
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