
Your Tax Dollars at Work: PBS Falsely Claims There's No Evidence Activist Mahmoud Khalil Is Pro-Hamas

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File

Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee on February 11 introduced the Defund Government Sponsored Propaganda Act, which would end federal taxpayer funding of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and National Public Radio (NPR) in light of longstanding concerns about their fairness and bias

Lee said at the time:

Americans have hundreds of sources of news and commentary, and they don't need politically biased, taxpayer funded media choosing what they should see and hear. PBS and NPR are free to compete in the marketplace of ideas using donations, but their public subsidy should end.

Exactly. I'd only add that in addition to Americans not needing PBS and NPR, those who are opposed to their propaganda should not be forced to help subsidize it.

The following is a perfect example of why taxpayer-funded media should end. Pronto, if not sooner. 

As former Columbia student and current Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil faces deportation for his part in pro-Hamas, antisemitic protests, "PBS News Hour" wants its viewers to believe that Khalil is simply a victim of President Donald Trump and his administration because they don't take kindly to having their opinions challenged. 

On Monday's episode of the hopelessly biased show, substitute anchor William Brangham claimed (lied) that there's no proof to support the allegations against Khalil. On the contrary, proof — and facts — abound.

For example, as my colleague Sister Toldjah reported on Tuesday, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) patiently explained the most salient facts to CNN anchor (hack) Jake Tapper during a Monday appearance on his show — including why the pro-Hamas activist should be deported — legally so.

Tapper kicked off  the festivities:

Senator Kennedy, I asked the White House why detain this man, why detain Khalil? And they said again, I'll just read it again, that they have confirmable evidence that he was leading a pro-Hamas protest, made and distributed flyers with pro-Hamas images. Also, he used language on social media posts expressing anti-Semitic views.

Now, as important as you and I might find any of that, these are protests, flyers, and views. Do you have any concern when it comes to free speech and the detention of this man?

Kennedy promptly — and calmly — buried Tapper:

Well, Mr. Khalil will receive due process because by now his lawyer has already filed a writ of habeas corpus. Mr. Khalil was involved in the protests. He was a Columbia student under the Immigration and Naturalization Act. If you support a terrorist organization you can be deported. Hamas is a terrorist organization. 

Mr. Khalil's side of the story, I understand to be that I don't support Hamas, I just support Palestinians. All I did was file some -- post some Facebook posts. I wasn't involved in any of the illegal protests or the illegal occupation of student buildings or physically intimidating the Jewish people and Jewish students. We'll find out who's right.

The Immigration and Naturalization Act, though, is fairly broad. And if the administration can show acts directly and probably indirectly supporting Hamas, they'll deport him. And he should be deported, if that's what's shown in court.

Did I mention that Tapper ended up agreeing with Kennedy that the evidence against Khalil should indeed be presented in court?

READ MORE: Sen. Kennedy Schools CNN's Jake Tapper With the Facts on the Mahmoud Khalil Case

Needless to say, Brangham disagreed, telling viewers (emphasis, mine):

This arrest is part of the Trump administration's crackdown on anti-Semitism, particularly on college campuses, which were convulsed by protests last year during the height of the Hamas-Israel War. But officials have offered no evidence that Mr. Khalil broke any laws while at Columbia. And, today, crowds gathered in New York City to protest his arrest.

And get a load of this: 

Brangham then trotted out Abed Ayoub, national director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, as a "proof source" to make his case. Yep, your tax dollars at work, America. I'm not going to waste time transcribing all of Ayoub's illogical "logic" and incorrect statements, but here's a snippet:

Look, the initial reaction was one of concern, deep concern, and disappointment, and concern not just only for Mahmoud, but concern for this country, that we are now going down a path where speech and expression is being criminalized this way.

And this should be alarming for all Americans, not only those that are standing up for Palestine and Palestinian rights. This is an alarming happening right now in this country.


The statements coming from the government are very heavy on accusations, but very light on evidence. Nothing has been shown or proven to be true so far, and nothing will be shown or proven to be true.

The only thing Mr. Mahmoud has done that they don't like is the fact that he was part of these protests, organizing these protests and these rallies against the state of Israel and its actions. And that seems to be a taboo topic that you can't talk about. And, if you do, this is the situation you end up in.

As to be expected, Trump is having zero of it: 

We will find, apprehend, and deport these terrorist sympathizers from our country — never to return again. If you support terrorism, including the slaughtering of innocent men, women, and children, your presence is contrary to our national and foreign policy interests, and you are not welcome here. We expect every one of America’s Colleges and Universities to comply.

To the president's point, it's one thing to protest against actions to which one is opposed, but to actively support — publicly — and agitate for protests in support of a terrorist organization is another. As Sen. Kennedy suggested, such activity is not protected by the First Amendment. 


Senate Dems, Others Agitate for Release of Hamas Supporter Mahmoud Khalil - Trump Fires Back

Incidentally, imagine for a nanosecond the histrionic fits on the left if Fox News hosts Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, and Laura Ingraham were supported by taxpayers. Moreover, such support would be just as wrong as continuing taxpayer support for PBS and NPR.

Besides, if PBS and NPR attract a sufficient number of private donations — presumably based on support for the outlets' content — they should be just fine. (They don't.)


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