'Follow Our Constitution': Iowa AG Plays Hardball, Vows to 'Look at All Options' If Costco Clings to DEI

AP Photo/Kalamazoo Gazette - MLive Media Group, Mark Bugnaski, File

If I were the CEO of mega-retailer and thought it was a good idea to publicly embrace the cancer of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion), I'd like to think I'd first have my head examined. 


Second, I'd think back to the consequences suffered by Bud Light, Diet Coke, Target, and other companies after making the unwise decision to go all in on DEI. Not only did their once-loyal customers flee in droves, taking away billions of dollars in would-be revenue, these companies were also raked over the coals by moral media (principally Fox News) and others disgusted by their iill-taken decisions to suck up to the "woke."

Yet, retail giant Costco continues to play its ill-advised DEI hand.

In the latest development, Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird vowed on Wednesday to "look at all available options" to ensure Costco is following federal and state laws as the retail giant clings to the last vestiges of DEI ideology, eroding under President Donald Trump's watch. In an appearance on "Fox & Friends First," Bird said

We're calling on Costco to ditch DEI and to follow our Constitution, to follow our civil rights laws and not pursue race-based or gender identity-based hiring practices. Those are illegal. We have a letter that went to Costco from 19 states, including the great state of Iowa.

Attorneys general in 19 states, including Iowa, continue to put pressure on Costco to denounce DEI and reflect Trump's recent executive order booting DEI programs out of federal agencies and warning private sectors to follow suit.


And here's a pro tip: 

If shake-down artist and race-hustler extraordinaire Al Sharpton protests in favor of something, it's a good bet that whatever it is isn't in the best interest of America — or you. In other words, go the other way.


Costco Clings to DEI for Dear Life As Other Companies Have Seen the (Bud) Light

How to Hurt Your Business: Have Rev. Al Sharpton Show Up, As Costco May Be About to Find Out the Hard Way

Bird continued:

Costco needs to show us the proof that they are following the law because they have public statements that cause us great concern. Many other big retailers have changed their policies and are now following federal law, just like President Trump is doing with his executive orders rooting out DEI, so they need to show us they're following the law.

In one of the more troubling examples of Costco's obstinance, Bird said reports point to Costco tying executive bonuses to DEI metrics, and that the company head has indicated he will "persist in race-based hiring, based on skin color and also hiring based on gender identification." 

Let's revisit that for a minute, in the form of a question.

If you or someone you love were denied a job at Costco, or any other embracer of DEI, because another applicant, based solely on skin color or so-called "gender identification," was instead hired ("equity"), even though you or loved one was more qualified (merit), how would you feel?  Me, too.


Bird also said (emphasis, mine):

Those are some big red flags. And then the board itself asked shareholders to vote down a proposal that would have looked at the risks of Costco continuing with their DEI policies. That's litigation risk, based on Supreme Court precedent we have, the federal Constitution, state and federal civil rights laws, so they need to make sure they're actually doing the right thing here. That's what we're keeping an eye on, and if they don't, we'll look at all available options.

So why would a company the size of Costco, or any company, for that matter, risk aliening once-loyal customers and potentially losing billions of dollars would-be revenue, but then double down and risk litigation for not only ignoring the U.S. Constitution, but also state, federal, and/or civil rights laws? 

Because sometimes, the blindness of "woke" trumps (no pun intended) rational thought.

Costco Board Chair Pushes Back

Costco Board Chair Hamilton E. James insisted (rationalized) that the company's "commitment to inclusion" neither compromises merit nor includes quotas or systematic preferences. 

The demands of our business and our steadfast commitment to serve our members mean that we cannot afford to do anything but hire and promote the most qualified individuals.

Our efforts at diversity, equity and inclusion remind and reinforce with everyone at our Company the importance of creating opportunities for all. We believe that these efforts enhance our capacity to attract and retain employees who will help our business succeed. 

This capacity is critical because we owe our success to our now over 300,000 employees around the globe.


Uh-huh, Mr. James. Coupla questions:

How many of those 300,000 employees support DEI? How many Costco shoppers embrace DEI? How many customers of Bud Light, Diet Coke, and Target embraced DEI? And finally, how many billions of dollars did these three companies lose in revenue as a direct result of their embrace of "woke"?

Here's your bottom line, Mr. James: You are doing a great disservice to Costco shareholders. Why not be concerned with your fiduciary responsibilities, a core part of corporate governance and accountability of your job?



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