Harris Extols Law Enforcement Background, 'Forgets' Comparing Policing to Lynching, Jim Crow

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Poor Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Either the 2024 Democrat presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate can't remember much of what they've said or supported in the past or — and I gotta go with a double-negative, here — they just can't not lie about their suddenly troublesome pasts.


The humorous part about their lies, including lying by omission, is that they're generally easily caught, given the public figure thing, public records, and so forth.

As I wrote on Saturday about the latest blowup over Walz's life of lying, we learned that when he ran for Congress in 2006, he included a line in his biography in which he claimed he had received an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for his service to the business community.

Just one problem.

Not only did the award never happen; Waltz received a letter from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce — which supported his opponent — requesting that he "remove any reference to our organization as it could be considered an endorsement of your candidacy."

SEE MORE: Oops: Nebraska Chamber of Commerce Told Walz to Stop Lying About Receiving Award

The above lie surely won't be the last lie to find its way back to weird-as-can-be Tim Walz. 

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris, who now sarcastically boasts about herself as a prosecutor running against "felon" Donald Trump, seems to "forget" the multiple times she's compared policing to "lynching," Jim Crow laws, and worse.

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on “Police Use of Force and Community Relations” in June 2020, the then-senator said:

When we say that America has a history of systemic racism, we mean that from slavery, Jim Crow laws, lynchings, and policing, our institutions have done violence to black Americans. And it has caused black Americans to be treated as less than human across time, place, and institution.


Harris then called for the elimination of so-called "systemic racism."

Um, Kamala? Black Americans have done far more violence to black Americans than have law enforcement officers. Perhaps a late-night stroll around Chicago's South Side might be in order? 

Then again, you already know about the violence and black-on-black murder in streets of the South Side, and on the West Side, as well, but you don't talk about that catastrophic reality. Know why? Of course you do: it turns the Democrat Party's narrative on its lying head.

Anyway, now that Princess Kamala has been ordained as the Democrat presidential nominee, she's singing from a completely different sheet of music. She posted on X on July 23:

Before I became vice president and before I was elected as U.S. senator, I was the attorney general of California. Before that, I was a prosecutor who took on predators, fraudsters, and cheaters.

So I know Donald Trump's type.

In my campaign I will put my record against his.

So Harris knows Trump's "type." Filtered through Trump Derangement Syndrome, to boot. 


Cute. So what about the "types" of murderers, rapists, and other violent offenders? 

Los Angeles-based criminal defense lawyer Nicole Castronovo told Fox News Digital on July 23:

She’s one of these people who’ve talked out of both sides of her mouth, and she's going to have trouble with both the left and the right with the stances she’s taken over the years.

They changed sentencing to free criminals who should have been incarcerated and titled it with a misleading name. But it actually made communities less safe.

Castronovo told Fox that Harris's backing of a controversial 2014 California law that many now blame for rampant crime across the state. As attorney general, Harris and her office were responsible for writing up a summary of Proposition 47 — absurdly dubbed "The Safe Neighborhood Act" — to inform voters of its intent.

Multiple other crimes that were once felonies – including forgery, fraud, drug use, and the receiving of stolen goods valued under $950 – were also reclassified as misdemeanors. Apparently, in Harris's mind, this kind of insanity qualifies as "tough on crime."

Castronovo also told Fox:

People are over the crime. It really does affect your daily life. We’re paying so much money to live in LA where crime is just out of control.

I'm sure they are. But here's the deal. California made its own bed. And Kamala Harris had a hand in helping them make that bed. However, if the entire country makes the same bed in November, is there any doubt that Kamala Chameleon will revert to form? On multiple levels?


Related Reading:

Jamal Trulove Is Voting for Trump: 'The Only Thing Kamala's Ever Did For Black People Is Lock Them Up'

WATCH: Wrongfully Convicted Black Man Recounts How Kamala Harris Laughed After Convicting Him

New Kamala Harris Ad Painting Her As Some Sort of Border Hawk Is Downright Ludicrous

Of course Harris would revert to form as president. 

It's human nature to revert to form. And that includes radical leftists who lie about their pasts and pretend to be people they're not while running for office, but race to revert to form if elected. See: "Joe Biden."


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