Kinzinger's Disgusting Speech at DNC's Final Night Is Everything Wrong About Never Trumpers

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

At the DNC, former Representative Adam Kinzinger continually referred to himself as a "Conservative" and "Republican" until every word felt like nails on a chalkboard, grating on our nerves and pushing us to the edge. Of course, it's nothing new for the Never Trumper. 


He opened up with, "I'm Adam Kinzinger, and I'm proud to be in the trenches with you as part of this sometimes awkward alliance we have to defend truth, defend democracy, and defend decency."

He then went on to sing the praises of the Democratic party and blast the Republicans, who he claims are "no longer conservative" (does he even know what that word means?), pretending like the two parties are equally great parties who love America and want what's best for it. 

Even the very sight of all the American flags at the DNC was confusing coming from a party that supports radical groups that burn flags, narratives that erase the positive history of our nation, and groups who won't even stand for our anthem. 

Kinzinger's speech was the epitome of everything wrong with the Never Trumpers. It showed that nothing mattered to him except one man: Donald Trump. He is willing to put aside everything the party represents and all of the policies that would affect Americans and our nation for generations to come simply because he does not like one man. 

Trump is one of the most controversial figures of our time, that is granted. There are many faithful Republicans who did not pick him as their nominee in 2016 and had reservations if not considerable concerns. Ben Shapiro is a great example of someone who represents a sizable sect of the conservative party that had to be won over by Donald Trump. Even those that adamantly support Trump now may still reserve minor differences with him. But on a grander scale, it is obvious how his conservative policies positively affected our country and how his decisions prioritized family, faith, and freedom.


 A vote for Harris is a vote for the extreme leftist woke agenda in our schools. It's a vote for the right to make their own laws about abortion being taken away from the States. It's a vote for prioritizing the Trans Movement above women's rights. It's a vote against Israel (despite whatever lies some Democrats are saying now). It's a vote for lawlessness at our borders and in our cities. It's a vote to put the climate agenda (or climate scam, depending on who you talk to) above American families. It's a vote to disparage our right to bear arms, one of the defining factors of American freedom. It's a vote to decrease small government and personal freedoms and increase federal control from a group of people who push their own agenda above the people's. 

In light of all this, Kinzinger should do us all a favor and refrain from using the word "conservative". This is a lesson for us as well. Any politician who banks the entire party on one person either doesn't understand the movement or doesn't have strong enough convictions to be a person leading us in office. 


Related: 'Conservatives' Voting for a Harris/Walz Ticket Aren't Conservatives—They're Just Sellouts


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