The Biden administration has spent the vast majority of its time in power reacting to news stories rather than initiating sound policy that has a measurable impact on any of the crises Americans have faced over the last two years.
The results have been catastrophic. They have kept in place senseless COVID-19 mitigation protocols that have had little to no impact on spread and have only hurt Americans (particularly children). They have insisted that throwing more money into the economy is the way to fix it. They have outright refused to acknowledge their role in inflation, gas prices, a baby formula shortage, etc.
None of it bodes well for the future of the administration, which is facing a potentially record-breaking red wave this coming midterm election.
Because of their inability to actually come up with reasonable policies, the administration has chosen theater rather than governance to show the American people they’re doing what they can to help. Take this weekend’s absolutely pathetic attempt to spin the formula issue.
That’s left the Biden administration scrambling, invoking the Defense Production Act and ordering the military to fly in baby formula from Europe. Now, the White House is looking to claim credit for what little difference those things might make, and it’s a pathetic showing.
More infant formula is on the way.
The first pallets from @POTUS’ Operation Fly Formula are being loaded onto a military plane in Germany right now.
The first plane lands in the U.S. tomorrow morning, with more coming soon.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) May 21, 2022
Yet, what truly sent things into a spiral was an FDA recall at the Abbott plant in Michigan, which produces a large amount of the nation’s baby formula. Even after it became clear that no babies had been made sick by what the plant had sent out, the FDA continued to drag its feet for months on end, refusing to recertify the facility. That led to a massive shortage across the country that Biden is now trying to “fix” today by spending more taxpayer money, which in turn creates more inflation.
All it takes is the Biden administration coming out and announcing they are rescinding all limitations on the importation of baby formula from outside of the U.S. and that they are cutting the regulatory red tape that makes it impossible to import. That immediately opens the market up to foreign baby formula and eases the problem straight away. But instead, they choose to launch an “operation” that makes it look as though they are on the front lines fighting a crisis they themselves created.

Or consider the initial gas and oil price spikes as far back as November. As people began to feel the pressure at the pump, the Biden administration did nothing until even friendly media outlets couldn’t help but report it. Their response? Send in the Federal Trade Commission to threaten to investigate “anti-consumer practices.” These tactics from the Biden administration continued into March.
When Biden’s former boss, President Barack Obama, was in charge, he was famous for telling the media “We learned about it when you did” when a damning story came out. The Biden administration has gone one step further by being caught openly flat-footed every step of the way. They can do nothing but react when they are called out by friendly media outlets for their lack of action and their inconsistent statements. As a result of those stories, they write letters and send planes to Germany.
Wonderful work.
The Biden administration simply cannot handle a crisis with any sort of governance whatsoever. They deflect, they create hashtags, and they perform theater. Meanwhile, the crises continue to get worse.
That, by the way, is why the polling is so atrocious for Joe Biden. His administration is seen as making the inflation problem worse with the money it shoveled into the economy, and they’re also seen as being absolute no-shows where every other issue is concerned. It’s so bad that Hispanic voters have the most unfavorable view of the Biden administration and Biden’s support among black voters has dropped 20 points.
Those are signs of the apocalypse as far as electoral politics goes, and trying to focus on Donald Trump, abortion, and January 6 are not helping. It’s only making the situation worse. They are out of touch, and the performance art isn’t swaying anyone.
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