That is our sincerest hope. Because the same phony narratives and wrong assumptions on the Left and the Right just do not—and should not—cut it anymore.
Our Editor-at-Large Kira Davis had the brilliant idea of doing this panel at CPAC, and she invited this Girl, and our colleague Jeff Charles to dish, discuss, and explain why Black History should be celebrated and embraced by Conservatives. We had a fabulous and fun time doing just that!

This is probably a first-of-its-kind panel for RedState/Townhall Media, and may well be the first-of-its-kind at CPAC. May it spark a fire that turns into a blaze of truth and proper history. We must expand upon and even challenge what many think constitutes Black History, American History, and how the American experience through the Black lens has impacted and changed Conservatism and the American story.
Less than 45-minutes—give it a listen!
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