The Conservative Political Action Conference—CPAC 2022—is fully underway in the free state of Florida under the theme: Awake, Not Woke. This is the second year Florida has hosted the conference, and this year there are no COVID restrictions: no masks required, no forced social distancing, not a COVID agenda to be found.
Because of this, the atmosphere is more relaxed and engaged. I arrived on Thursday in the early hours of the morning, and have watched the participants and media interaction build throughout the day. It is clear: everyone is less on edge and guarded when there is no one having to take your temperature at every turn, and when you do not have to be six feet apart.

With the theme: America UnCanceled, CPAC 2021 was like punching a wall. CPAC 2022 is more akin to holding hands and singing, “Kumbaya.” Yes, there’s a bit of hyperbole in that analogy, but suffice to say there is a sense of ease and normalcy to this year’s conference that was not evident at last year’s.
In 2021, the reality-based community was still fighting COVID restrictions (even in Florida). The American Conservative Union (ACU), which organizes CPAC, did quick work in moving this annual, formerly grassroots event from Washington, D.C. to Orlando, Florida at the invitation of Governor Ron DeSantis. D.C. was shut down and wasting taxpayer dollars and the U.S. National Guard’s time with nonsense fears and barbed wire fencing. Florida was one of the few states that could not only accommodate such a conference, but was willing to take the heat from the nanny naysayers and Branch Covidian media who was intent on seeing people locked down, not gathered together.
Despite the opposition, the 2021 event at the Hyatt Orlando was quite large and had a kinetic energy about it. Largely due to the fact that this was one of the first opportunities in over a year to interact and connect with groups of people face to face (even if, at times, it required a mask). DeSantis warmly welcomed the conservative crowd, and reaffirmed his commitment to keeping Florida open for business, and maintaining its freedoms and individual liberties.
But the drama was strong with the legacy media and Leftist activists—but I repeat myself—who wanted to make it a COVID Super Spreader event, and a poster child of their hackneyed bogeyman of white supremacy. The fact that former President Donald J. Trump was closing out the festivities only fueled the fire. Then there was the supposed Nazi-symbolism with the stage design, where the Left sought to malign and cancel the Hyatt corporation for hosting the event. First, the corporation defended their contract with the ACU and made it appear as though they would dismiss the criticism. Sadly, they caved, and then apologized, signaling the tenor of the battles that would be fought that year between the Leftist agenda and conservatives and everyday Americans.
The hallmark of CPAC 2022 is the change of venue. ACU chose a more private, country club-style conference center in the Rosen Shingle Creek and Westgate Resorts. The benefit: CPAC is the only focus, allowing for free flow of interaction and information, without the conflict of other organizations and people who might be “triggered” by this unabashed overflow of conservative thought and strategic organization. There is also tighter security. My Lyft driver was stopped well before reaching the building entrance, and grilled on what he was doing there. Granted, it was 6:30 a.m., but it is clear that the ACU wants to ensure everyone who has a purpose in being there is allowed access, and anyone who has nefarious purposes is not.
Then there is the foundation on which CPAC was built: grassroots conservatism, and many of the speakers and topics are focused on getting back to this. All politics is local. From the school board upsets, to the mandate protests, none of this would be happening if not for people in their local community who are fighting to save their children, schools, neighborhoods, livelihoods, and defending our freedoms.
I had opportunity to mill around and speak with some of these organizations, many who sprung up in 2021 in response to the failures of our government to protect individual rights and our civil liberties. Most stark, the draconian and dystopian attacks on our children from all fronts.
One of those organizations, Loud Majority, was started by New Yorkers Heather Lieberman and Dana Diffendale. They are making their voices heard for their local community and government, and have already made a difference in flipping school board and other local government seats. Lieberman’s goal is to spread this progress and help others organize so that they can do the same.

Even if you cannot come to Florida, you can experience the lineup of speakers and the discussion via Livestream here. CPAC 2022 will also be streamed live on Fox Nation, RSBN, and other platforms. All the times are Eastern.
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