You can thank Jim DeMint for Rand Paul’s filibuster.Rand Paul would not be in the Senate but for Jim DeMint’s help. In fact, during the filibuster, Rand Paul has been assisted by Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and others who would not be there but for Jim DeMint.Had Jim DeMint not created the Senate Conservatives Fund, we’d have David Dewhurst, Charlie Crist, Arlen Specter, Trey Grayson, and Bob Bennett in the United States still.Jim DeMint challenged that status quo with the Senate Conservatives Fund.I’ve made a contribution to the Senate Conservatives Fund as a way to say thank you to Jim DeMint. The SCF still exists with Jim DeMint’s goal — get conservatives to the SenateAnd who knows, if we fund the SCF enough, maybe just maybe they’ll deliver a junior senator to Kentucky to stand with Rand instead of someone at home watching Ashley Judd films.Please consider a donation to this great group.
Thank Jim DeMint

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