Prosecutor Robert Mueller disgraced himself thoroughly last week.
On Friday, we learned that the Mueller team had “selectively edited” the transcript of a voicemail from President Trump’s lawyer, John Dowd, to make it appear as if Trump had obstructed justice. This was discovered because federal prosecutors released the transcript in a court filing. My colleague Bonchie reported that story here.
Such a discovery raises the very legitimate question, what else did the Mueller team misrepresent in their report?
Two days prior, Mueller called a surprise press conference. He read a deliberately dishonest statement to a gathering of reporters at the DOJ after which he took no questions and said his report speaks for itself. He even introduced us to a new legal standard, the presumption of guilt, until proven innocent. He disingenuously told his audience that making a decision on whether or not the President had obstructed justice was “not an option” for he and his team, when that was precisely what they’d been tasked with. If that were so, why were they able to come to a conclusion on Russian collusion?
Speaking to Fox News’ Bill Hemmer, Nunes said, “The Department of Justice is not supposed to be telegraphing whether or not somebody is possibly guilty or not. Either you are or aren’t. Either they’re going to prosecute you or they’re not.”
Finally, in what he and his pit bull Andrew Weissmann might have thought of as very clever, he delivered the unmistakable message to House Democrats that it was time to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Trump. It’s little wonder he was such a nervous wreck as he stood before the podium.
Much of the information we’ve learned about the Deep State has come from the efforts of Rep. Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) who served as the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee throughout 2017 and 2018. Although he no longer chairs the committee, he has continued working to uncover the truth.
Given Mueller’s deceptive performance last Wednesday and the discovery of the team’s attempt to edit Dowd’s voicemail, no one can pretend this man is impartial. Nunes is now demanding that his committee gain access to all the underlying documents, as he should. The congressman tweeted, “This is why we need all backup and source documentation for the #muellerdossier released publicly. It’s all a fraud…”
Nunes said, “Robert Mueller knew there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion the moment he walked into the door as special counsel.”
Mueller may hope that Wednesday was the end of his involvement in this national melodrama, but it seems to have only increased the calls from both sides of the aisle for him to testify before the House. I don’t see how he could get away with not testifying. He doesn’t seem to understand the gravity of his remarks. He just thought he could hit and run. But this man has much to answer for.
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