One of the most perplexing organizations on the political scene this election cycle is the Young Guns Action Fund, started by two former aids to Eric Cantor. It was started last fall in an effort to support “conservative candidates for elected office who hold true to the Young Guns movement.” One would expect a PAC affiliated with the House Majority Leader to get involved in numerous general election races to help preserve and grow the Republican majority. Yet, this committee has only run independent expenditures in primaries, not in general elections.
Well, you might be thinking that there is a good reason to get involved in primaries. After all, we need to ensure that the Republican nominee is a “conservative candidate.” To that end, Young Guns has made the most bizarre choices of any political committee this cycle.
The affiliated-YG Network began the election cycle by putting out some independent expenditures for moderate Adam Kinzinger against the more conservative Don Manzullo in IL-16. Then, they sent out mailers attacking Richard Mourdock and telling Democrats to vote for Dick Lugar. Lugar was neither young, conservative, or a member of the House. Following the Lugar folly, they have been involved in just one random race in North Carolina over the past few months. Take a look at their FEC filings:

They’ve spent $426,225 – more than they’ve spent the entire election cycle combined – against a random conservative named Scott Keadle in a primary! What a bizarre use of campaign funds for a leadership-affiliated PAC. They spend everything they have on negative ads against one conservative in a House primary. What do they know that we don’t?
Do they believe that Scott Keadle is a RINO who will vote with Democrats like…say ..Dick Lugar?
The reality is that this race is neither random nor bizarre. They realize that Scott Keadle is a bigger threat to them than any Democrat. He is committed to rallying conservatives in Congress to support limited government initiatives that will never see the light of day with leadership. Clearly, Young Guns perceives that threat and is desperately trying to prevent Keadle from winning the nomination.
Let’s help elect a true conservative gun and thwart the efforts of the loose cannons to install like-minded supporters of big government.
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