Red State CPAC Report 001-0945-25 Feb 2021
Good morning, Red State! Welcome to CPAC 2021! Your intrepid eyes, ears, and voice for conservative thought is here on the ground, registered and ready to go. Official start is 0830 tomorrow, but there is a lot of battlefield preparation already taking place. The Cover Photo is of some American Patriots doing some of the behind-the-scenes work, setting up one of the information booths.

Along Radio Row, motivated members of the pundit class are already broadcasting live.

Even some of the big boys are already ramping up. FOX Nation is already here and broadcasting live, as well.

Your (not so) humble scribe getting his press (please don’t hate me) credentials.
The plan for today is to continue setting up interviews and of course, report on any items of interest. Throughout the week, the Red State Team will be on the ground doing our best to give not only the play by play, but also our analysis.
As always, we rely on reader input to help us focus. If there are particular people or issues you would like us to bird dog, please let me know in the comments. If possible, we’ll try to run them to ground…
Stay tuned!
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