President Donald J. Trump touted his plans for the “Salute to America” celebration in Washington on the Fourth of July in a tweet: n a tweet on Tuesday morning:
Big 4th of July in D.C. “Salute to America.” The Pentagon & our great Military Leaders are thrilled to be doing this & showing to the American people, among other things, the strongest and most advanced Military anywhere in the World. Incredible Flyovers & biggest ever Fireworks!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2019
I have supported the president’s efforts to celebrate Independence Day with a military parade here at RedState, first in 2017 and again last year — a portion of which was published in USA Today.
Coverage of President Trump’s Salute to America plans by the biased media wing of the Democrats’ Party — the new nattering nabobs of negativism, is largely negative. Most of the coverage focuses on critics’ concerns about the cost of the event and false claims that President Trump is turning the Independence Day celebration into a partisan, political event.
Hallie Jackson complained on NBC’s Today that “critics worry the President is taking the focus away from patriotism and putting it on partisanship.”
On NBC Nightly News, Lester Holt said that “some Democrats are accusing him [President Trump] of exploiting the annual celebration.” On ABC World News Tonight, Cecilia Vega complained of a “growing backlash over President Trump’s Fourth of July plans.” Vega added that “there are questions about just how much it will cost, and whether his speech from the Lincoln Memorial will turn the holiday into a partisan event.”
Kaitlan Collins said on CNN’s Situation Room, “The President is setting himself up for a clash with his critics who say he’s turning the patriotic celebration into a partisan one.”
USA Today says Trump’s “‘Salute to America’ already is eliciting strong opinions over whether a president revered by supporters and reviled by opponents was injecting politics in an event above the partisan fray that enjoys national appeal.”
Major Garrett said on the CBS Evening News that the “Fourth of July on the National Mall has been a tribute to universal American themes, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, a star-spangled civic hymn. This year by design, it will be much more about” Trump.
Ryan Lizza said on CNN’s Situation Room the event will be “classic Trump, where this will be a lot about him and he will push the envelope on sort of the nationalist view that he has.”
The Associated Press complains that “Trump is politicizing what traditionally has been a nonpartisan celebration.”
Reuters cites “questions about the cost and tone of the celebration.” Congressional Democrats “have questioned whether Trump will turn a nonpartisan patriotic celebration into a taxpayer-funded campaign rally.”
The Associated Press reports at least two Army tanks have arrived in Washington ahead of the celebration. The New York Times says tanks’ presence “suggests that Mr. Trump has largely succeeded in turning the city’s annual Independence Day festivities into a salute to the American military.” Streif has shot down this complaint.
I don’t understand the opposition to honoring the military with a parade in Washington, D.C. on Independence Day. What’s the big deal? There have been Fourth of July military parades in the nation’s capital before.
President John Adams reviewed a handful of military companies in Philadelphia on Independence Day in 1798, and Thomas Jefferson attended a military parade in Washington, D.C. In 1803 and 1804. On July 4, 1861, Abraham Lincoln reviewed 30,000 federal troops assembled for the defense of Washington. Parades celebrating victory in the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II and the first Gulf War — Operation Deseret Storm were also held in D.C. Military units march in the annual National Independence Day Parade which takes place on July 4 down Constitution Avenue.
The Washington Post complains that the White House is giving tickets to the President’s Fourth of July speech on the Mall “to Republican donors and political appointees, prompting Democratic lawmakers to question whether the administration’s planned celebration violates federal ethics rules.” Maybe the Democrats will finally pull the trigger on their constant threats impeach President Trump over this alleged ehtics complaint.
The so-called news media’s constant negativism about any and all things Trump has continued the loss of respect for the media that began with growing mistrust of the mainstream media in the late 1960s and early 1970s and has grown over two generations into a form of visceral hatred of the “fake news enemies” of the people.
In rebuttal to all the negative media coverage of the idea of a military parade in which Americans can show their appreciation of the military, I continue to support President Trump’s “Salute to America” which seeks to draw the attention of Americans to the real meaning for the holiday. It is a patriotic, flag-waving, red white and blue celebration of America’s birthday. Happy Independence Day
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