In a series of tweets, this morning President Donald J. Trump threatened to use the military to close the U.S./Mexico border if Mexico does not stop the continuing invasion of “migrants” [Central Americans] crossing into the U.S. from Mexico.
First, President Trump called out the Democrats for encouraging the invasion of illegal aliens and Central American leaders for doing little to stop it:
I am watching the Democrat Party led (because they want Open Borders and existing weak laws) assault on our country by Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, whose leaders are doing little to stop this large flow of people, INCLUDING MANY CRIMINALS, from entering Mexico to U.S…..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 18, 2018
Then the President repeated his threat to stop aid to the Central American Countries and use the military to close the border and stop the invasion.
….In addition to stopping all payments to these countries, which seem to have almost no control over their population, I must, in the strongest of terms, ask Mexico to stop this onslaught – and if unable to do so I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!..
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 18, 2018
According to The Hill, in fiscal 2017, the U.S. gave about $248 million in aid to Guatemala, $175 million to Honduras and $115 to El Salvador.
In a third tweet, President Trump said the “assault on our country at our Southern Border, including the Criminal elements and DRUGS” is more important to him than trade or the new USMCA, and took another shot at the Democrats.
President Trump’s twitter warning is in response to the Left Wing extremists’ efforts to gin up another family separation incident at the border just before the midterm elections. Yesterday, the Associated Press reported that “more than 2,000 Honduran migrants traveling en masse through Guatemala resumed their journey toward the United States on Wednesday.” NBC News reports that the migrant invasion caravan has grown to 4,000.
The Los Angeles Times reports that the number of migrant parents entering the United States with children has “surged to record levels in the three months since Trump Administration ended family separations at the border:
U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested 16,658 family members in September, the highest one-month total on record and an 80% increase from July, according to unpublished Homeland Security statistics obtained by the Washington Post. . . .
The latest DHS figures show 107,212 “family unit” members were taken into custody during the 2018 fiscal year, obliterating the previous high of 77,857 set in 2016. . . .
The latest Department of Homeland Security figures show U.S. agents made 396,579 arrests along the Mexico border during the government’s 2018 fiscal year, a 30% increase over the same period in 2017, when illegal migration dropped to a 56-year low.
According the Associated Press report, Mexico’s Foreign Relations and Interior Departments said “anyone in the caravan with travel documents and a proper visa will be allowed to enter, and anyone who wants to apply for refugee status can do so.”
We will not be able to reform our broken immigration system until we control the border.
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